Do you know your MAT(s)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
  some advice.
oh my gucci, im getting more and more lazy every single day. typicalMATsays needs an admin very soon. but currently i only have 3 candidates.. anyone else wanna send their unofficial resume to TMS?

email us at:

Anyway babygirls, TMS do understand that some story might seems unrelevant. Yes, macam korang yang comment.. Certain story macam budak kecik.. Some citer terlalu common already. I mean, at certain point of time, we will experience all the puppylove. Let them express themselves here alright. TMS is not stopping them pon.

but seriously. if you're talking about concept, ader lari urh geng. tapi tkper lah eh, aku kasi chance. heh!

I've got a very interesting story to share about someone. But i'm still hesistating. how eh? should i? anyway, but the story is about a minah bastard a v faithful guy (note: he's like supppppppppppper cute) haha.

tgk lah, bsk ke ape lah eh.
skrg nie bantal busok hamba dah panggil..
korang dengar tak? Tak?! tk lame lah tuh :P

joking joking.

peluk cium peluk cium
  Mat Sex Addict
Sent: 26 February 2010 00: 36AM

Ok, tak pernah2 aku nak bilang org citer yg panjang bleh pulak aku citer kat TMS. But here goes nothing,i criterkan dulu lah my background as it does serve as the reasons why i met few of the many sons of the b**ch out there aznd got used. First mak bapak i dah cerai sejak i berumur 7 tahun and sampai kan skarang pun i tak lah nak tanyer knaper coz i rather not know anythng. ader jer lah aku sakit hati sndiri. Anyway, i and my elder siblings dijage dgn bapak i tapi itupun i tak rapat ngan dier ataupun ngan adik beradik sendiri. So i lack family bond and even parental guidance.

My brother at that point of time was very abusive. Pukol adik2 tanpa alsan kdg2 and mcm pukol musuh! i benci sgt ngan my bro time tu and my dad, i tak rase comfortable telling him anything. my sisters jgn kater lah kan they have thier own life. So basically i takder mcm takder father figure or someone to tell me or for me to ask advice on. therefore ader jantan jer i senng percaye drg and before i knew it, i was used. I nyer orang peramah pade semua but yet i tak pernah suker budak2 secondry i dulu. To me, they are all very supifcial and tgk pade pandang pertma sahajer. Didnt bother to know the heart. Tapi chk2 aku jgk yg bodoh2 tak tahu tgk hati org jgk, main percaye jer jantan.

Ok, nowadays u bleh nampak byk org hilang virginity drg at early age well including me. I was a virgin untill i was like turning 14. Bodoh ehk ilang at young age. Tapi apekan daya, at that stagei was just plain naive and stupid and i was sweet talk by this NS guy. He has this indian mly look and he was damn good at his words. I kenal ngan dier tru the net i rase and i pun terharu lah org amik perhatian kat i and nak we chatted on the fone. Dah mesra ajak lah jumper. Dier ajak lepak satu tempat yg bleh baring and mkn at same time. Agak2 kat maner??...(pangkeng lah ape lagk). i that time takut2 jgk but dier buat i mcm very comfortable...Being young and naive, i dgrkater dier. i rase memang bodoh ikut rentak dier..Pasal i really ingt lepak jer. before tht maner lah ader rase nak gie tempat2 g2. Biler kiter dah kat pangkeng we chatted, and after some time he pull me close and after that...things started to get more than comfy. It was my first time and he was persistnt in getting in me. I tak tahu ape i patut buat. I dgrkan lah kater dier walaupun not willing. It was my first time lak tu! wasted i know and i did not even close to syg giler babi. just smitten and sweettalk and then I kene pakse buat nie semua ngan dier.. i rase mcm pelacur i rase i mcm di rogol. Pasal i was quite unwilling. After everything has happen, he hail a cab for me and gave me money tok cab alek and offered nak kasih i 50 tok belanjer. I refused. I dah kat rumah, dgn cepat i mandi! dah tgh mandi tu, i nangis and i scrub my bdn rabak2. Rase bodh dan rase kotor. I menyesal kasih kat lelaki yg i tak syg pun. I takut nak bilang saper2 psl i malu dgn diri sendiri.

After many years, there were times when he tries to chat me up at msn walaupun i dah delete him off my msn list. I pun tak layan until there this time he send a file to me. I tanyer ape tu coz dier mcm irritating asyik nak send i bende mepek meraban tah...and i tak nak receive anything dari dier! he dare to say its a porn video of him having sex with his own sister and his fren! threesome! i WAS SO SHOCK and immediately request block of his msn. This guy thinks just coz he is rich, he can have no shame and just fuck around with any girl he wants including his own flesh and blood. That is sickning and yes i rase lagk siak coz the rase of being rape and losing myvirginity was getting to me.

But wait it doesnt end there, i nyer suay,after few years... i terserempak dier kat mrt. he dgn kwn dier . he came up and tnyer i . i just walk away. how dare he can come up to me and act he does ntg to me. disgust me and i really regret the decision i made in trusting him.

nie lah satu2 pengalaman i hadapi. I rase i byk diergunekan kan. Nasib lah i dah jumper my 'the one', my saviour and my soulmate to be.

kepade semua young girls out there, dont give your virginity just to me kalau dah besar lagk,krg mesti menyesal when uve met the one. pasal the bastards dun deserve your innocence.

If i can turn back time i would....its not the best feeling when u feel uve been rape and used....
  Mat control freak? nahhh.
Sent: 25 February 2010 06: 22AM

hello! I am so hooked to TMS, I swear. I recently just re-read all your archives just because I find ALL the articles very interesting.

This story I'm about to tell is based on my own personal experience.

I got to know this mat, from when I just got back from my aunt's house. He came up to me and straight up, asked for my number. He asked me whether I had a boyfriend and me, being the straightforward girl, just answered YES. But I didn't tell my boyfriend about it. Only told him that some MAT asked for my number but I didn't give it to him. (Besar lah punyer penipu aku ni. -_-")

So initially, I thought we could just be friends. Found out that he was 4 years older than I am. (FYI, I don't really like guys who are 3 years older and above from me.) So we exchanged texts very briefly. There was once where he said that he was kinda bored and he asked me out for supper. So yeap, he said supper but in the end, he brought me to some carpark in Jurong West. I swear I had the jitters. But I maintained my cool. He started pinching my cheeks and said that I was so CUTE. Ah banyak lah cute. Then he started commenting on the fact that I allow guys to look at my boobs. -_-" He was obviously checking me out.

But well, there was once where we sat in the vehicle. He told me about his past. He told me that his ex-fiance actually dumped him for another guy. I just listened to whatever he had to say. And honestly, I felt sorry for him. But I kept telling him that maybe, ade hikmah di sebalik everything. After which, he sent me home. Thank god nothing happened! But after that very day, Mat got very clingy with me. He kept calling me though he knows that I was with my boyfriend. Keeps telling me to go karaoke with him. So nak sedapkan hati dia punye pasal, I said yes. But in the end, I canceled. So when I canceled, he got a little pissed and asked me if I wanted to make it up to him. -_-" He left me speechless man! Macam nak terajang je! So he kept calling and calling and I kept ignoring.

Till one day, he got on my bloody nerves when he texted, asking me what he did wrong.

"Where are you? Why are you ignoring me?"-Mat
"Somewhere and no, I'm not ignoring you. Been busy, that's all."-Me
"What did I do wrong that you have to ignore me?"-Mat
"If you've been cheating on your boyfriend and fucking with other guys, jangan salah kan I! I tak bersalah!"-Mat
"No, you did nothing wrong and no, I don't sleep around. I'm just busy. Which part of busy don't you understand?"-Me
"Tak lah, but you ignore I macam I ni bersalah pulak! This is unfair!"-Mat
"Look, let me get this straight. I have the right to ignore you since we're just friends. We MET ONCE. So yes, it's my life and my problem, you don't need to tell me what I should and shouldn't do."-Mat

See how tak faham bahasa the mat is? Even when I told him off, he still called! I had to change my number to avoid his calls. Gosh, that was really a hassle!

So the moral of the story is, never try to befriend/date a mat who just putus cinta. You can tell by his story. This mat actually waits for the ex fiance under her void deck everytime she's home late and stuffs. Punyelah scary. So yeah, it explains his obsessive-ness. Pffft.
Alrightey! Take care!:)))))
  Luar lain, Dalam lain
Sent: 24 February 2010 21: 21PM

Luar lain, dalam lain. Let me explain kalau sape2 tk phm. Luar lain, dalam lain, what i meant was, depan kiter, dier baik, trustworthy, helpful & all the good stuffs you can think about a friend. Tapi dalam, dorang buat baik ni smuer, just to GET RID OF YOU. So this is a story i am going to share with you people based on my own experience.

I have a friend, whom i already anggap sebagai my own "KAKAK". We have been in the same class for 4years in secondary school. Straight from Sec1 to Sec4, same class. Check2 ITE pn samer, &samer class eh? Eee tnk uh aku. Harap2 tk seh. But time sec1 to sec2, i'm not that close to her. We are like normal classmates. But when sec3, we became close, very close until smuer org ckp kitorang dah cm adek bradek. I find that she understands me very well. &she find that i understands her very well too. But i understand her dgn ikhlas and tk pernah pn terpikir untuk nk hurt her feelings or backstab her. Oh yeah, i forgot to mention that i am attached since sec1. You maybe wondering why on earth i must say out that i am attached. Well, continue to read and there's an answer to this.

My friend ni, she's the type that is very OPEN with EVERYONE. Be it a girl or a guy. I dah lamer tau yg majority in school benci dier and called her a bitch sebabkn prangai dier yg OPEN tu [especially dgn guys]. But i ignored what those people say coz i don't want to break our friendship & scared of losing her coz i thought she's the only friend that understand me well & she's my listening ear whenever i have problems. Dier ni kan, will go around, and hugging boys like as if that boy dier nyer matair. But no. She's already attached to someone not from our school. But, she still goes around, hugging boys, hug the boy's arm when walking, sitting very near to the boys and lying on their shoulders and fell asleep & stuffs. Tu yg buat org benci dier. Dengan matair org pon dier gitu! Saper tk sot kan. Tapi dier tk brani bitch around dgn matair i coz she KNOWS that i'll get hurt and stuffs.

So one day ni, my other good friends in school told me stuffs about her, and encourage me to ignore her before anything happens. Being stubborn, didn't believe their words & don't want to lose my friendship with that girl, instead i ignored them. They got pissed-off with me and ignored me too. Then one fine day, i got info from a schoolmate, saying that this friend of mine, sukerkn boyfriend i and trying to snatch my boyfriend from me. At first i didn't believe what i heard, coz i trusted this friend of mine so much. Then lamer2, i'm starting to get the picture. At first dier nan boyfriend i sungguh tidak rapat. Kirekan dorang stakat cm Hi, Bye & joke around with each other in a friend2 way. Example : "Eh rabak siak.. Dah uh jgn bobal nan aku. Hee tk la fake.". Tapi tk selalu dorang joke around. Kadang2 biler my friend ni nk rapat2 nan boyfriend i, boyfriend i avoid dier coz boyfriend i sendiri pon tk sker dier. Boyfriend i say she MURAH. Hahaha!

Then now, my friend ni maken mcm sial. She took my HP, and told me that she wanted to send some pics of myself & songs from my HP. But no. I just feel like slapping her face until i am satisfied. I found out that she actually took my boyfriend's HP numbr, and texted him and being "caring" with him, and saying sweet words to my boyfriend. And guess what? Boyfriend i sendiri yg bilang i ni smuer. He showed me those messages my friend sent to hym. I pon marah tuh marah jgk la nan boyfriend i sebab dier reply those messages she sent, tpi tk sweettalk alik and stuffs la. Dier stakat jawab aper pompuan ni tanyer jer. Tpi yg buat i tnk marah sgt nan dier is becoz dier JUJUR. I tk pernah dapat lelaki cm gini seh. At last, my dream come true *smile widely*. Then from there onwards, i show my friend my attitude. I'm not being myself towards her, and she kept on wondering why am i like this. She continues to text my boyfriend until one day, i straight forwards wih her. I asked her what have she been doing behind my back. She didn't want to admit. I asked her that time she borrow my HP to actually get pictures, songs or my boyfriend's numbr. Then she kept on saying that she wants to get those pics and songs and begging me to believe her.

Then, i pull my boyfriend and asked hym to join our face-to-face talk. Then part ni, dier nyer muker darh nk nangis seh. Dier darh takot. Coz my boyfriend tunjok dier message2 tu infront of her face, infront of me. Padahal kan, my friend ni, is the only one who ALWAYS encourages me to LAST-LONG & TAKMO GADO2 nan boyfriend i. Then at last, ni rupernyer niat dier. I asked her whether it is true that she liked my boyfriend and wanted to snatch him away from me. Then she tukar subject. She kept on asking me to stop thinking all this about her and forget about the pass. I was so damn angry, my blood dah nk explode! Dier darh buat i cm gny, beh dier senang2 nk suroh i forget about the pass? I feel like killing her.

Then salah satu lelaki ni, quite rapat jugak la nan my friend ni & they always share secrets. Lelaki tu is my boyfriend's kawan baik. Tanak matikn buto, dier matikn nonok lor. Dier pn bocoh rahsier about this pompuan. He told my boyfriend, and my boyfriend told me. He told my boyfriend that this friend of mine, step baik2 jer nan i, just to be close to my boyfriend. KNNBCCB. That point of time, my darah smuer darh naik sia my face all turning damn red. I seriously feel like stabbing her all over her body until i am satisfied! So selamer ni, i just wasting my time, being her "BESTEST FRIEND". And at last, i got this. Right after the day i got to know what my boyfriend's friend told him, i straight away go to this girl. I told her what i heard. And she kept quiet and tk kluarkn aper2 pn dari mulot dier. Luckily i'm a soft-hearted girl. Kalau tk, my penumbok, penampah nabi all darh melayang kt muker dier uh. I regretted not believeing what those goodfriends of mine in school told me about this girl. I approached them, and beg for forgiveness.

So until now, i darh tk boboal nan ni BITCH. Haha. Now i also calling her bitch, like what others do :). Now, i'm happy with the friends i am with now. They are really good people and thousand times better than this asshole. Tapi kan, yg membuat i geram nan dier tk abes2, dier smpai skrg maseh tk ubah prangai dier yg so flirty and so bitchy. &,she still trying to ATTRACT ATTENTION from my boyfriend. I suspect kuat dier maseh ader feeling for my boyfriend. My boyfriend siket pon tk heran pasal dier. I saaayaang boyfriend i sangat2 :).

People, org kalau baik nan korang, tkper. Tapi jgn 100% trust them. You may not know what they have in mind for being good to you. Seriously, i darh betol nyer benci tgk muker dier. Pasal dier, now i dont wanna trust anyone i met. (:
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sent: 25 February 2010 04: 26AM

Ok .. i m lala n i nk cerite ngn u all psal mat mintk simpati ..Cter i complicated skit .. so u all kene bace tol2 keh .. I knal guy nie thon lepas .. waktu tu i knal dier pon sal one dae ne my fren ajak i g adventure ramai2 .. Dari situ la i knal2 ngn dier n yaaa we exchange numbr .. Bler ngn knal2 tu dier ckp dier pena bertunang dulu tpy da putos tunang sal adr laa hal peribadi kann ..

so i pon cam pecaye laa .. sal kwan2 i pon ckp ngn i mmg dier da putos tunang .. nk pendek kan cter .. brape bulan kemudian kte pon go steady laa .. at first kuar jalan2 smue dier kua kan duet ..Heran gak ehk .. ane dier dpt duet padahal tk keje .. kk da lame2 .. 1 sen pon tk nk kuar kan .. smue duet aku yg kuar kann .. boleh koyak siak kocek .. K da tu tkpee tau .. check2 blkg i dier masi cntact ngn tunang dier agy sehh .. panas jek guaaaa!! I tk confront him but i juz go along wif him .. until one dae niee dier ngn tido n i curik numbr tunang dier n sms her .. asking her whether they ever broke off or not .. to my surpriseeee they nevaaaa everrr brokeee off ehkkkkk .. dorg cume adr conflict jekk dats y tk jmpe for several months ... gua dgr gitu gua pon maken membare arrrr !!

So i decided jmpee tunang dier on the sly ar .. we talk n i told her the truth .. dat we re noww going steady .. the gal was shocked n of course .. membareeee gak !! haha .. so kte due plan laa trun tmpt yg i n him slalu lepak .. n yeahh he was dere ... the war started ... n to my surprised this tyme they reali broke off in front of my eyes .. he chooses me .. wait !! afta diz .. afta u gals dgr conferm nk sepak terajang dier .. Few weeks lata .. the fiance mxg me to leave him alone .. i pon cam terpranjat ar .. all this while me n his fiance were on good terms .. suddenly jekk dier ckp gni ..conferm2 dier nk burok kan name i .. jady i ngn tunang dier gado la .. pandai lak si berok nie ..

I pon smell sumtink fishy n ask his close fren laaa ... y suddenly she reacted dat way ?? rupe-rupenyerrrrrr dier ckp ngn tunang dier yg dier syg tunang dier n mataer ngn aku psal dier kesunyian ... dier leh ckp agy nie .. dier leh lpaz kan i bler2 mase jekkkk !! gua tkleh angkat ar beb .. slame niee aku syg dier mcm org gler tpy dier anggap aku cam sampah !!! MMG jantan SUN*** !!!!!! so paz da dpt tau nie smue .. i pon decide utk lpaz kan dierr walaupon dlam hati tk rela ... tpy dier tetap kacau2 i .. ckp rindu i laaa .. syg i laa .. i pon yg ngn blinded in love n masi lom sanggop sgt utk lpazkan die peg laa jmpe dier .. pelok cium org nyer tunang !!!!! haiyoo !!!! I nie mcm scandal dier la gitu .. tpy tkde org tau ..

Lpaz nie smue da berlaku i dpat tau yg dier nk kawen la sehhh .. nie pon kwan i yg blg .. i cam nk melalak siak pt situ gak !! tpy i step cool .. org kate kte mesti kene jage image .. step tk heran .. padahal dlam hati saket skali .. hanye tuhan saje yg tahu .. hmm ... n dgr - dgr kan galz hantaran dier 4000 jek ehk ?!?! like u re so cheapskate ??

sanggop nk kawen dgn hantaran 4000 n sumore the guy tk keje ehk skrg .. pakai duet mak bpak smueeee ...BTOL2 SERUPE DGN JANTAN TK GUNEEEEE !! n sumore ehk dorg terpakse kawen bcoz the gal is preg ..

THE GAL IS SO STOOPID NK TANGGONG JANTAN YG TK GUNEEE TU ... SAJAK LA TU .. BINI KEJE .. LAKI JADY HOUSE HUSBAND !!! HAHAHAHA !!! PATHETIC KANN ?? Pkir2 alek naseb baek jgak laaa aku tk ngn dier .. lau tk aku yg kene keje tanggong dierr .. SYUKOR ALHAMDULLILAH !!

Actuali kan sampai skrg tau dier masi kol2 .. tpy i tk lyan ..i pon tk tau ape dier nk ngn i .i tknnk kacau laki org .. tkde tyme laa ..baru skrg i da seda n insaf. i skrg nk focus on my career jekk .. itu yg penting .. kac mak bpak i hdup snang agy bgoz .. laki smue leh tolak tepi for nowww!! TOL TK GALZZZ ??
  Mat Pisau Cukur
Sent: 24 February 2010 19: 42PM

Hello to typicalMATsays , i just knew your blog yesterday & i decided to post something about the experience i had . I have got cheated with my heart & my money . Maybe all of you will think that i am stupid , but its real .?

So there's this one guy(d) , who was attached to my friend(b) . On my birthdae , D called me on my phone and i pick it up . I didnt know it was him at the first place , as i didnt know what his house number was . I thought it was my friend & started talking to him . & i asked him who is this , he told me his name . I was shocked to receive that call from him , as B told me that D hasnt been calling her . D started to talk to me about relationship , & asking me weird qns . Out of a sudden , he actually sounded me for stead . I was in hock that time & he told me that he hate B , & he loves me . His wonderful lies & sweettalks , make me believe in him . He told me he has been waiting for me since Oct. 2009 after he broke up with B. But as when the day he wanted to sound me for stead , B sounded him for patch & as i was attached at that time , he couldnt get me . I was so silly that i believed in him . I accepted him despite knowing he's with B . I couldnt get over everything me & him had gone thru all this while . He was just a liar , a sweettalker . He told me that he would sound B for a break up asap . So i asked , how long do you have to play timer ? He told me , just give him two days will do , he will settle everything . ?I told him okay , as i thought he would really love me & care for me .

After three days , my friend told me that he called her . I was like , i thought D said he dont love B anymore ? But why ? & as day passes , i was with him for a week . & finally, we met each other to collect our PSLE cert. I was the only girl among the three boys . & when the rest of the boys gone , it was left with me & him . & then we were hugging each other , suddenly , one of our friend saw us & went to find B & B came & asked D for break . D kept quiet , i sense his sadness . I wasnt happy at all , not at all . I dont know why , i should be happy getting him like officially , but i am not . I feel like i have betrayed the trust B gave to me . I feel that B had made the wrong choice as choosing me as her twinny . I actually betrayed her , sometimes , love sacrifice your friends , your closes one . He act as if nothing happen for the rest of the 2 hour me & him are together at the RC . In my heart , i just feel like , alright , this boy dont seems to have heart at all . I know i know , his the hottest guy in 2009 & 2008 batch in (insertschool) .

But that doesnt mean , he can play with girls heart . He told me he has never ever played timer before , but i knew everything he did to B as B told me everything . I feel very guilty towards B after that incident . I lost many friends because of that . Just because of D , he ruined my life . I continued the r/s with him , as i really sayangkan him . Despite what he did to me. We went otp & we talked abt going to movie with each other the next day . So we really did mit , i waited for him for 15 minutes till he came . & i was the one who paid for the tickets , the drink he wanted . After watching the movie , we went to that RC again . & we saw his friend , ?he started to go with HER & actually ignored me . He knew i couldnt smell of cigg , but he still do . When he sends me 'home' , halfway home , he took my wallet & took my money saying that he wanted to buy food . But i know he wanted to go get cigg . I was disappointed by him . ?

I went home & i didnt mit him for abt 1 month & no matter how i text him , he would just avoid me . ?Until one day , i walked past him , i cried upon hearing him saying ILY to another girl . He came over with his friend(my ex) & my ex hugged me so tight infront of him , yet he did nothing but laugh . I dont know whats the place i had inside his heart . I told him , i wanted to talk to him alone . So he came to me , asking me for money before he talks to me . He took my $10 , & went to get cigg. I was sad , i cried , he came back . & we went to a certain block , i talk to him . & he started to hug me & kiss me . I thought he still remembers i am his girlf . The next day , i texted him , ?i asked him ;

Me : sayang , u love me still ?
D : no?
Me : then why u still stead with me when u dont love me ??
D ?: can u ask me for break?
Me : i will never ask u for break , if u want break , say only .?
D : k break with me .

I have never seen a guy like this , i was hurt , i cried for the one whole night & went back school with a swollen eyes , a week later , i found out , he alrh had another girl behind me . i cried & cried , i lost so many things for him & he did me this way . He's the first . I still have another experience i had , after this guy .

This year , i was with one of my friend(C) & we went to our old primary school . We saw my ex(A) there , he came over to us & started to talk to me . & then we went to somewhere together with our friends , we had KFC . we took photo , he hugged me while taking photo . I just got an accident recently , so i have a phobia of crossing the road , he holded my hand & guide me thru . we went to sit down & some places , he kissed me on my cheeks , saying it was my bday present . & that day onwards , i fell bck in love with him .

& i was shocked to receive his msg the next day , he sound me for patch . & we mit everyday after our school , & forever , he would disappoint me . I hate him bringing his guitar along , he always forgets abt me . One day , i texted his ex , & his ex told me , A stead with her & me at the same time but A asked him for break . I didnt ask him anything , of cos the reason is , i sayang him a lot . I kept quiet abt this , CNY gathering in my primaryschool , someone told me , he told everyone we broke up .

I cried , he show me , rolled his eyes on me . I texted him the next day , asked him , all this things , what does he want from me more . He said , he wanted to break . I went crying for a day & a night . Whenever i look at the photos me & him took , memories of me will flash back . He used to say to me ; " u , i will love u till my last breathe syg . " he ended all this , the last word he said to me was ; " takecare " i cant move on without him , i know myself well . eversince march 2009 , he came into my life , i knew he's the one . he said his heart welcomes me back anytime , but i do wonder , is there a place for me to be there right now ? D: ?the most hurtful thing he told me is , like u said , kissing u was a mistake on that day before we went together .?

I just cant get over all this . After that , i have no more trust on guys , till now i am single . & yesterday , supposed to be my one monthsary with him , yet he gave up .. This experiences i had is true , i was hurt by love for a lot of times till i am tired . I just wish i could get him back , i really do . I love him , he didnt contact me anymore . How do i move on my life ? its 2 weeks since he left .. & i am still in this kind of situation , he's enjoying his life , i never see him coming down to slack anymore . These two boys made a huge changes in my life . I just wish , all this is just a dreaaaam .......D;?
  Mat Army
Sent: 24 February 2010 19: 03PM

I thought of sharing w you guys my story .

So ok lah , I kenal w this guy . ok just call him xxx . die ni actually kawan lama i , i kenal die 3 yrs ago , i suke die dulu , tp dulu ( last yr) kita lose contact , i tataw kenapa , die da attached i think , sedih tu ade lah but lama2 i get used to it cos i kenal org lain so tk ingt die sgt . But nta mcm mana , on Jan last month , i try to talk to him thru FB , he said he miss me . i pon same la kan pasal da berbulan / bertahun tk npk die . Kita pon contact la balik .

From there i ade mcm feeling2 balik kat die . Die ajak i kuwa everyweekends cos weekdays die ade ade kat camp . Budak Army . klau kuar , kita mcm da together gitu , die hug i , pimpin tgn i sume .

Die selalu text i , call i , ckp imy sume . sapa tk suke kalu org kata gitu , lagi2 klu org tu kita suke . Feeling die wahhhhhhh ! Then oneday die kata ngan i yg i tk treat die betol bile kita keluar and i was like eh sejak bile eh . Die kata itu ini mcm2 kat i . die tudoh i .

I ckp sorry seme byk kali , die tknk accept . i pon taktahu la kenapa kan . korng tahu , everytime die buat salah , i close one eye , i slu give in tapi die ? TAK ! nty kalau die buat , die kata sorry , tapi buat lagi . i salah sikit , die kata i mcm2 . I lagi da admit mistakes i sume , die tknk dgr .

Then i buat bodo lah dulu , i msg pon die tk reply . I da suspect die confirm da mcm malas nan i . Kwn i seme kata lupe kan die , but i tkleh . susah, psl i da start suke die balik . tpi ade kwn i kata tkmu give up . Then sikit hari , die bbl msn nan i , i pon bbl mcm biase . Die kata kita perempuan taktahu treat laki btol2 . i mcm WTF , drg ingt drg sapa . Die pon kata yg die ni actually desperate for benda tu , korng paham2 ape lah kan and the other thing he's desperate of is , girls . Eh boleh die kata gitu mcm nan i !? Die kata die nan " kalau i bilang u pon , step i dpt je "

Cos of that he resulted to Clubs and party . Biase lah , byk pmpan kan . I marah lah ape lagi . haix . I dpt taw dri kawan die yg die Give up nan i . makkk sapa tk marah kan ! Takkan setakat i treat die tk btol , setakat satu kali je taw , den nk gv up ? tk masok akal langsung !

Then one day i tk boleh tahan nan die , i maki die mcm org gile , psl mcm kurang aja , die da kasi i hope sey , abeh last2 mcm gini . Die lagi boleh kata die tk hurt i , die tk buat salah apape . OTAK DIE UH ! da mcm gini2 die kata tk buat salah . geram ! i ckp nan die " i like you , why must you do this to me ?!"

Budak army ni kan seme fikiran same . tak ckp sumer lah , mostly . cos my kwn pon is in the same boat w me . Drg ni tknk kalah , ape drg ckp , pada drg btol . Kita sume ni salah . drg selalu fikir pasal pmpan n drg nk bnde tu dri pmpan . Serious ! Agaknye kat dalam camp da kene torture byk sgt , tu sbb fikiran gitu tk ?

Smpai skrng i masih tunggu die , kawan i kata i bodoh tgu die uat apa , tp i sayang die sejak dari dulu . i pon kdg2 rasa i penat , tgu die seme tapi i still holding on to every hope i have . Mana tahu oneday , die realise die salah and that i am the one for him . I just hope that he realise lah the mistakes he made . I nk angry nan die pon tk boleh la , i syg die sgt sgt . haixx ..

Sampai disini sahaja cerita i . Terima Kasih (:
  Mat Punkrock
Sent: 24 February 2010 16: 32PM

I've only let a few guys into my life and this particular ex will always be remembered.
Not because he was nice or sweet but because he was the biggest asshole to have entered my life.

I was 18 then, when I entered ITE. I had a boyfriend, my very first but it didn't worked out.
He was my first boyfriend and I was too clingy perhaps for his taste.
Being my first love, I found it very hard to get over him.
But this story isn't about the first ex.
I met this guy, R, when I was in ITE.
R was good-looking and seemed like my type.
He one of those guys you would find in punkrock gigs.
We clicked right from the start having had almost the same interests in music and all.
He was my bestfriend and we went everywhere together.
My ex and I, we were still having this on and off relationship.
He says he stills wants me but he'd rather spend all his time with his friends.
I was very affected by this because I loved him and wanted us to last.
R was always there for me.
Our partners knew that we were bestfriends.
I had nothing to hide.
But not long after, my ex went MIA on me and I was devastated.

R was always there.
He comforted me.
We had a band and I enjoyed jamming with him and the rest of my bandmates every week.
Our band was like a big family and although I was the only girl, I felt I fit right in because they treated me like one of the guys.
During that period, I was still crying every night trying to get hold of the ex and basically being heart-broken.
It went on like that for around 6 months.
After I heard from one of my acquantaince that my ex had already moved on, I finally gave up trying to get back with my ex.
He went MIA without even breaking up with me and I finally accepted it.
So this R, we talked on the phone every night.
He offered his shoulders for me to cry on and I did.
And being bestfriends, it was only natural that I confide in him.

But one particular night, we were talking on the phone as usual,
and he asked me if I would give him a chance to take care of me.
I told him that I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship so let's just be friends.
R was being persistent, even going to the extend of wanting to end our friendship if I didn't give him a chance.
So I did.
We were officially together and our friends were not surprised.
Apparently, they think we were meant for each other.
So we graduated and he was called for National Service.
That's when my nightmare began.
When he went to NS, I started working.
So I would top up his hp and get his neccesities when he comes homes every weekend.
I would always call him at night when he's in camp but he was always busy and say he's prepaid is low.
So one weekend, I checked his hp and there was a girl's name.
I confronted him and he finally confessed.
He was barely a month in NS and he's the one getting girls eventhough he was the one in camp.
I forgave him and things starts going downhill from there.

After he P.O.P, he got a posting that only requires him to work from 8am to 5pm.
And the occasional guard duty.
Most of the time he would always pester me to stay over at his house after work.
He was living alone.
His parents are living in JB and his siblings were rarely home when I was around.
I had to cook for him, wash his clothes, iron his uniforms, clean his rooms and do everything.
And on top of all that, I had to financially support him because according to him, his pay is too little.
So I would get groceries for his house, top up his hp and ezlink every month.
And mostly when we go out, I would pay.
I felt like a maid and I complained to him that I'm tired too because I'm working and I can't carry on doing things for him.
We would fight all the time.
He would say that I'm not fit to be his wife if I refuse to cook or clean for him.
He would call me a sundal if I didn't give him money or do his bidding.
And the worst, he keeps accusing me of cheating on him eventhough I was staying at his house.
Little did I know, he keeps accusing me because he was the one cheating behind my back.

I called countless girls and he told them all the same stuff.
That he was single and I dumped him.
He even told one of the girl that I was a drug addict and alcoholic.
I found out from some of the girls that he even brought them home and slept with them when I didnt stay over.
Despite all that I still forgave him each time and continue giving him money and doing his house chores.
Sometimes, he would leave me at his house to clean, wash and cook while he went out with his friends.
Even when he beat me up during our fights, I always ended up going back to him.
I keep giving him chances after chances.
And I held on for as long as I could, 3 and a half years.
I found out so many things about him.
He lied a lot. He told me he had guard duty but he went clubbing.
He would ask me for money to pay fines but he went drinking instead.
He told me he had to go work and had no money to top up his ezlink but he went to meet some girl at Bedok.
And I actually paid for all these.
He would always ask me for money or simply keep my ATM card.
All my money were spend mostly for his expenses.
He was a fantatic liar and a master in deception.
I would always pity him for living alone and having no parents to care for him at home.
And he would always take advantage of that.
My sister and friends by then, already knew of R's attitude towards me.
My sis especially hate him because of all the bruises he gave me when I came home.
I think even my dad knew.
They would ask me to leave R but I held on.
I was really miserable, but I loved him too much.

I keep praying to God to let me see him with a girl just once so I can let him go.
And finally my prayers were answered.
One day, I just came back from an interview.
I got the job and I was really excited to tell R.
So I went over to his house to give him a surprise.
I knocked on the door but no one answered.
I called his hp but he didn't answer.
I was getting to leave when his sister open the door.
I asked her politely if R is home.
She told me that he was at home and asked me to knock on his room.
And when I did, I saw 3 girls in what looks like clothes you would wear to sleep and 3 guys(including R).
R was topless.
My limbs were shaking so bad.
I wanted to shout but all I could muster was a whisper.
I was texting one of the girls who was in the room when I was on the way to R's house.
R had some affair with her and I found out.
So I told her to please respect me and not contact him again.
She promised me not to meet R again but she was in that room with him all the time I was texting her!
Apparently they had been staying there for 2 days according to R!
I was so angry and upset.
And I finally just say sorry for crashing their party and left.
I called my dad and he picked me up.
I sobbed all the way home.
I still forgave him after a week or so.
And guess what?
I found out that he was still contacting the same girl!
I simply just left after that and never came back.
I was still hurt and he still went out with her despite knowing that I had already caught them together.
He came over to my house crying a few times but I didn't even go out to see him.
I changed my number, email, everything.
We even shifted house not long after the break-up.

I'm thankful that I caught R red-handed.
Our 3 and half years means nothing.
I never wanted anything to do with him again.
I think that ugly vision of them in the room together is what keeps me strong enough to leave him.

I'm a happier girl now.
Just thought I'd share my typical mat story.
  Mat talking about Minah Rep??
Sent: 24 February 2010 00: 31AM

Here's a short story of what guys think and do with girls they call "Minah-rep" .

I had this conversation with a guy friend of mine and he was telling me something that all of you should take note of. We're talking about what kind of girls he go for, etc, etc. Then come this topic. Yes, this particular friend of mine loves to find grilfriends and have sex with them. To him, there's nothing wrong to have sex with a girl FRIEND. He even said it's better to do sex with a friend rather than gf so that he does not need to get committed. And trust me, there are girls out there who think that way too. So there's this one time, i've asked him this question ..

Me: What kind of girls do you usually go for?
Him: For sex? Or for gf?
Me: Okay, for gf first.
Him: *he started talking about his dream girl, yada, yada*
Me: Okay, what about for sex ?
His ans really got me shocked !
Him: That's easy. Go for minah, especially those with thin eyebrows which he calls "floating eyebrows". Get to know them, sweet talk them and there you go, they'll give u everything you want and when you leave them, they will feel sad but only for a while cause sooner or latet they'll find a new replacement.

That really got me shocked. And i've not heard this only from only one particular guy but a few guys whom had told me about this.
Well girls, even if you really wanna be a minah or have the thinnest eyebrow or anything, no one is stopping you, lead the life you want but remember, never to just sacrifice your dignity so easily that guys think of you just like a toy. We girls don't deserve to be treated that way so do take not yeah :)
  hey babies.
Currently, the main owner of typicalMATsays (me) is so busy with my full time job. it is sucking out every energy of mine every single day. Within the same time, my assistant played me out. I hate you! hehe, she is also kinda busy to update this very valuable page of mine and hers and most importantly yours!

THUS typicalMATsays is currently finding for two new people to join the typicalMATsays admin team! We are called the 'K-P-O' - Kena Pakai Otak.

Gender: Female or Male
Age: 19 to 26
Status: Active on the internet.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicant have to be very familiar with the usage of blogger. Able to use the 'current' language of the youngsters. MUST BE TRUSTWORTHY.

If you think you fit the following criteria of being a part of typicalMATsays admin team, do send the following things to us at

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All applicant have to attach your latest photograph, be it formal or informal.

PS: kerja no pay. haha.

peluk cium peluk cium
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
  Perfect formula of a Mat.
Sent: 21 February 2010 18: 03PM

Well this story was when i was in Secondary 1 . I didnt know what is love all about and what is sex . When i was on that stage , i only know how to kiss and hold hands with a guy . This guy is really special to me and he was in the express class . He was a new student in my school . He use to be in Sport School till he got kick out . One day he added me in friendster . Itu bila tyme bnyk oranq maen friendster larhh kan ! :D So i accepted his request . In the end we chatted through msn and we both gave our contact numbers . When in school he always smile and me and my heart will always melt . His smile means something to me . For the first time i thought he wasn't a bad guy but after all it was just what i didnt imagine . After school he ask me to meet under his block .

I waited for him 5 to 10 minutes under his block . Finally he arrive and he hugged me . I feel special on that time . He took me up and we both went to a staircase . He hold my hand tightly and next i knew he open my school uniform . Yeah you people we say why your so dumb ? You could stop but then i don't know i didnt . He open his zip and suddenly i knew the first time i saw a men penis . It was life experience for me . We didn't do sex or whatever . He ask me to sucks his dick in a nice way and i did it . End up lioke two days we did the same thing . Yes i was pretty dumb . A bimbo perhaps you could say ? Well never judge a person without knowing him and don't find love , let the love find you .

Few months , i know he have a girlfriends . And i feel use on some way . One day i heard a rumours about me in school . Almost everyone look at me strangly and i found out from my friends say he told almost a number of people about us doing in the staircase . Hurrily i ran to the toilet and cried . I feel like commiting suicide but it such a waste of my life . From that day i didn't trust any guys but now i know the limits of true love .

Now i heard he already done sex with a numbers of girls . Well i am luckly enough not doing with him or not i will be his next suspect to him .

To you girls out there ; Don't let somebody take control of you .
  Most interesting MAT?
Sent: 21 February 2010 15: 55PM

I was reading about this blogspot since I knew about it yesterday. Skrg, aku nyer turn plak lah nk citer dkt sape2 yg bace nie blog. &; my name is, Ilah.
Cite aku mcm nie.

Dulu, aku pernah jadi butch utk 2 tahun lebih. Aku penah lah ader matair pompan. Aku jadi butch pon pasal jantan2 tak guna ahh. Aku dipermainkan. Sume tipu. Mcm soyal ah seriously. Jadi butch pon pasal aku tak tk leh trust any guys out there anymore ah. That time, hati2 aku btl2 mmg da benci laki2 dkt luar. Tgk muke drg pon jijik ah actually. Mmg aku tau ah, not all black sheep tapi I just can’t accept ah asal drg buat gitu dkt aku sume. One of them, tipu aku. Da tipu tkpe. Dier beli kan aku MP3 then dier mintak balek ah. Aku tros tak contact dgn dier ah. Dier main timer plak tu. Sot ajer otak. Tu pon time aku secondary school. Maseh anak2 abu lagi ah org ckp. Sayang dier giler babi, dpt tau dier main Alamak then name nk step Syafiq. Aku debik baru tau.

Dier cina tapi tau ckp melayu ah. Mmg aku da leh rase yg dier tu up to no good. But sayang nyer pasal, aku buat2 tak tau. Dier ingt, dier leh bodoh2 kan aku. Aku lari rumah, sume pasal dier.
Tros tu, during Nitec, aku tukar jadi butch. Da jadi butch, aku knl lah nie lelaki, Feez (name bedek), dkt Habbo after a year plus jadi senget. I know, childish ah main Habbo but aku btl2 melekat dkt tu tmpt lah time aku tkder kejer part time. Maseh blajar lagi lah that time. So kiter sembang2 lah dlm Habbo tu. Knl ramai kwn & most of them tau lah aku nie otak tak btl (senget lah katakan). They don’t mind. They’re actually an understanding people.

One day, aku masok lah Habbo. Then nmpk dier duduk satu tmpt ni. So aku pon join lah. Kirakan, nk buat kwn. Tapi utk dier, ingt kan aku nie step gerek nyer YP nk buat kwn dgn dier. Bbl mcm biasa tapi dier sarcastic giler dgn aku. Sot ajer otak. Sakit hati pon ader ah dgn tu mat.
From acquaintance, to mutual friends, to bestfriend. Aku knl dier pon da setahun lebih. When kiter bestfriend, dier tgh having, sort of bad break up lah dgn dier nyer ex minah dulu. Aku plak, tgh on the rocks dgn ex minah aku. Kata zaman2 butch, ader gf nyer. I was there every time he was really down.

Pasal dier tk tau lah asal dier nyer ex minah mcm tu. Aku coax dier lah. Before kiter bestfriend, aku penah jmpe dier skali ajer. Tu pon member Habbo ajak turon ah. Main sports. Kebetulan, dier pon turon jgk. Aku tak tau dier pon turon. Ader ah aku ajak dier tapi dier ckp dier malas nk turon pasal jauh.

Then the next outing, bdk2 Habbo had a picnic dkt ECP. I was invited. That time, klau tak salah aku, kiter da bestfriend. Dier mati2 nk aku turon ECP tau. He was looking forward to meet me. Lepak & all ah. Tapi aku tak blh lah that time pasal aku tak leh kluar rumah.
Then, kiter makan dinner same2 dgn cousins dier tau. Maklumlah, aku knl cousin dier sume. Kluar dinner then cousin pompan dier, ader rase mcm lain ah. Dier ckp dkt aku, mcm ader benda gitu antara aku dgn Feez nie. Tapi kiter nie mcm “brader” lah kirakan. Maner2 dier gi, aku ikot. “Brader” mah.

Dier lepak pon aku turon. Kirakan, kite btl2 nyer rapat giler ah. Slalu lepak dgn cousin lelaki dier ah. Dier ader jgk hint aku benda. Dier panggil aku “Baby, B” sume. Aku buat tk tau ah. Pasal that time, we were “gaying” around.

Then one day, he wasn’t being himself. Blh rasa ah that time. Time tu, klau tak salah, 2nd week of Ramadhan ah. Aku pon kluar dgn member aku buka luar abeh aku that time tak text dier sgt. Aku nk balek, baru aku text dier. Text dier, he wasn’t that cheerful tau. Slalu kiter bbl bende mepek giler. Being random ah katakana. Aku tau, ader benda yg tak kena actually tapi aku tak tnyr dier thru text. Aku tunggu sampai aku balek then online, baru aku tnyr. Aku sampai rumah, mandi sume. Then aku online. That time, aku nk blajar for upcoming exam or test. So, aku tnyr dier lah knape & all.

Dier ckp, dier ader rase mcm ader org bbl pasal dier & dier ingt ader org hate dier to the max. Aku tau, dier ader satu penyakit nie. Aku tak kesah sgt. Then kiter gadoh lah dlm MSN tu. Dier sarcastic dgn aku. Aku melalak that malam jgk. Aku tumbok tembok ah. Aku bbl dgn kwn aku. Aku cite kan lah dgn dier. Dier pon terkejot ah. Then kwn aku nie, gi blang Feez aper yg aku buat sume. Dier tutop laptop, dier baring dkt katil, dier renungkan ah aper dier buat dkt aku. Krg imagine lah, aku tak bersalah pon dier mcm tu.

Next day, dier bbl dgn aku dkt MSN. I did saw him dkt MSN but takot nk tegor pasal nanti dier sarcastic dgn aku lagi so aku diamkan diri & let him talk to me. He did & asked me whether I’m okay. I was okay then I asked him back lah. Dier pon okay. Then tiba2 dier asked 3 random questions tau.
1st question dier tnyr,

“What will you do if you found out that the furniture around your house went missing?”

2nd question dier tnyr,
“What will I do when I saw Mickey Mouse infront of you?”
Aku tau, nie sume mepek tapi ……

Dier nyer last question;
“What if I like you?”

Aku pon cuak ah depan laptop. Aku tnyr diri sendiri, btl ke tak btl? Aku tnyr dier gini dkt dier, “you know right I’m a butch?” Dier ckp, dier tau tapi dier tk kesah langsung. I asked him, asal he like me? He explained everything. Ader satu part nie, dier sweet giler. Dier ckp gini “Thinking of what I did to you yesterday, I knew, I never wanna let you go.” Aku dah, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair beb. Cair giler ah.

Then aku diam kan diri jab pasal aku bace aper dier type dkt MSN berulang kali. Abeh dier ckp gini “Nevermind, forget about it. I know it’ll never come true.” Beb, aku da cuak giler. Aku tak tau aper nk buat jgk that time. Aku da tersengeh depan laptop aku tau. Then I asked him this “so, what’s next?” Dier reply, “Will you be my girlfriend.” Aku da senyum mcm kambing. Aku pon accept dier lah in the end. Pada mula nyer, aku tak biasa pasal aku butch. Lama kelamaan, aku biasa kan diri.

Sampai skrg lah kiter matair. Nk dkt 6bln. Dier tak seromantic maner pon, aku tetap saying dier. Dier tkder rupa tapi aku tau dier mmg ikhlas nk ubah kan aku & all. Parents kiter pon da tau tentang kite. Dier bkn typical mat yg gi clubbing & isap rokok nyer. He’s the good boy nyer type tapi bkn anak mak lah. Both of us, quitted smoking. Both of us decided to let go of the past & look forward to the future.

Dier yg dulu sarcastic giler, skrg da tak sarcastic. Dulu, dier mind his own his own business. Dier tak kesah langsung pasal org2 sekeliling dier. Dier pon tak campor family ah. Living in his own world lah kata kan. Skrg, dier btl2 da berubah. Dier campor dgn family dier. Bbl & all. Dulu dier anti social. Skrg tak. Dier mix around even thou tak knl. Byk perubahan lah pada diri dier. When aku cite kan dkt kwn2 Habbo kiter, drg mcm tak caye ah aku nie matair dgn Feez. Pasal drg tau, aku tk kn berubah jadi pompan balek when I found the right person. & now, I found the right person.

Tu lah cite aku. Aku ader jgk cite kan tentang nie dkt kwn2 aku. Drg ckp it’s interesting ah. I don’t know lah about the readers here. & I know, Feez will read this 
Saturday, February 20, 2010
  Tattoo, body art.. parents si minah tak suke.
Apelah nasib si Mat tattoo nie. Nak khawin bersyarat. Kalau ringan takper. Heavy metal betol rule maknyer si minah kasi. Kesiiiiaaannn~

typicalMATsays really find that our Mats with tattoo are increasing theses days. As we can also see in town that minah tudung are also dating Mats with tattoo. Nothing so weird right?

But everything seems weird when it comes to the minah's parents. Duuhhh. Most parents these days stereotype all tattoo Mats are involve in gangsterism and of course they are unable to take care of their daughter.

Memang lah kalau ikut undang-undang Islam, tattoo nie adalah haram. Tapi kite skrg nie dah terlalu canggih(sampai Surai pon ader cite nenek super canggih), we are more layback.

For all those Mats with tattoo.. TMS got nothing against you people coz to be honest my mat friends also have tattoo. (quite a handful, or maybe legful). They are a bunch of nice people to hang out with.

It's not a matter of appearance its about how you bring yourself to make the parents of your minah to like you. At least have a form of basic respect. Respect? how - wear a handsock when you meet them. Or maybe put on a long sleeve shirt or t-shirt when you gonna meet them.

At least they know that you are a respectful person and knows how to respect the elderly. Your language usage. Memang lah kan, kite ni mane ader bebual tk maki, sikit jer macam keluar. jgn cakap kite, aku nie tgk bdk-bdk primary school as early as Primary 2 dah pandai start maki. Maaaakkkk, zaman aku primary 2.. semua baik-baik siak.. Stokin tinggi mcm sailormoon. hahaha.

orang cucuk kat pinggang. korang melatah "Oh mak kau jatuh, mak kau sial".
Orang langgar sikit jer "Puki, buta pe sial!"
Orang tengok jer nak kena sound "Lu apehal tengok gua tuh macam. takda cara pah? Cb."

try to control your tongue. it will really help.

and of course, if you have will, there is always a way for you to undo your step. Laser treatment for removal of tattoo is the best way to impress your minah parents and prove to them that you are sincere in getting to be together with their daughter.

Laser treatment brape? ENTAH AKU PON TK TAU.

Peluk Cium Peluk Cium
  Mat JC, so what?
From: ___________________________________
Sent: 09 February 2010 13: 08PM

This happened around 5 years ago, when im still in secondary 3. I never had a boyfriend before ever since but i do have crushes at that point of time. When i was in sec3, i get into my first rs ever and it turned out real bad, VERY bad.

There’s this one time, when i was in Primary 1, i had this bestfriend, name Haziq [not his real name]. We’re very close till one point of time, he didn’t came to school and i started crying cause i was only close with him and would go anywhere with him only. One day, he said “awak, nanti da besar kite kahwin eh”, yes i still remember that phrase. Eventually, in primary 3, we got into different class and were no longer close at all till then.

Then, there’s this one day when i was in secondary 3, i was browsing through my Friendster when i encountered his profile and so i added him as a friend and sent him a message there asking if he remembers me and how’s he, etc. He did reply to my message and accepted my friend request. He even asked me for my email add/ contact number so that we could get in touch.

I passed to him my email add and told him to add me in MSN. So he did, and we chatted and talked all about our old times together. Then one day, out of randomness, he sounds me to be his gf. It was too early and fast for me and i had no experience on that before, so i rejected. He kept persuading me and ensuring me that everything will be fine, he’ll be a good bf, etc, etc. So being a first-timer, i accepted it. Not even 24-hours of being together, we broke off. All because he texted me and said he wanna try having sex with me.

I was scared, very scared so i told him i wouldn’t want that and i asked for a break-up because i suspected he sound me only cause he wanted sex. He was damn angry when i rejected and agreed to breaking up. After a few days, he texted me again, he told me he won’t bring up tt topic again, yada, yada, yada. Being stupid, naive me, i trusted him and continue my rs with him. Oh, and did i mention?

All that while, we haven’t met each other before. So there’s this one point of time he told me that he wanted to meet and i was excited actually but he just had to bring up that sex topic again. He told me to meet him at “this” carpark as it’s quite empty there. And when i told him i don’t want any sex, he’ll start to get pissed off and scold me and threatened to break up with me. I agreed to meet him but everytime he tried to take off my clothes and all, i’d find some excuse that i need to stand, etc, etc. Yes, i was saved !

And thank god, at this point of time, there’s this uncle around so he can’t do much. He was so pissed off cause we didn’t get to do anything. Though, i still continue our rs cause im starting to love him and it was my first ever rs so i wanted it to last. He ever brought me back to his home and thank god, before he even sempat to do anything, his parents reached home so i was saved.

There’s even this one time, he ring me up and forced me to go into this one porn website and asked me to watch it and forced me to moan. I kept on saying no and he was so pissed off that he just hangs up the phone on me. He didn’t contact me for a few weeks after that and when i tried contacting him, he won’t reply or pick up any of my calls.

Till one day, i texted his mum hp and he replied and told me not to reply till he contacts me cause his mum found out about us and told him to break up and stop contacting me. So we didn’t contact for about a few weeks. Then one day, i decided to view his Friendster profile and i was so shocked when i saw his status in a rs and there’s a few comments from a girl name ‘Amirah’ [not her real name] saying she loves him, etc, etc and also some other comments of people congratulating them. Then i browse through his pictures and saw them taking pic together and putting captions like Amirah loves Haziq, etc, etc. I viewed that girl profile and saw the same thing too.

I was very dissapointed and kept crying at tt point of time. So when he contacted me back a few days later, i asked him the truth and he was telling me that i LOVE to make assumptions[wtfff! I saw those with my own eyes siol] and he told me that whatever i saw wasn’t true at all. He told me that Amirah was his ex and that girl still can’t get over him and since she got his password, she uploaded their pics all over again, yada, yada. He was forcing me to believe him so despite feeling uncertain, i just continue with our rs.

One day, i was looking at my friend blog and came across this amirah’s blog so i went to read it, it’s all about this Haziq, she telling how much she loves him, how close she’s with his family, etc, etc. I felt like a loser, really. So i texted Haziq and told him that i know all the truth about him and her and he still keeps denying.

Ohh, did i mention that we kept breaking off and patching things up again around 7 times? Oh myy ! and that lasted for around a year plus okay ! -.- there’s this one point, he texted me saying “ baby , i wanna meet you. My penis misses your vagina very much” . i was feeling wtfff cause i swear,

we’ve never had sex before though he always asked for it. So yeah, after getting so tired and very pissed off with him, i decided to break up with everything and throw every memories of ours. He agreed to breaking up as he told me that i wouldn’t wanna have sex with him so he doesn’t want me anymore. So then i asked him, when we’re together , what did he treat me as? Gf? A friend only ? And his reply really disappoints me and makes me angrier. His reply was “Your just a sex partner to me, im attached with Amirah actually” .. Wtfffffffff ! since that day, i hated him and till today i’ll never forgive him.

And yes, till today, i still do see him with Amirah around. And when he saw me, all he did was looked at me and i would just walked away cause i don’t even wanna see his face at all. Sometimes i just feel like telling this Amirah girl but i didn’t cause i didn’t wanna spoil their long rs. There’s this one point of time he chatted with me around 2 years back

i think and told me that he’d had sex with malay girls and now he wants to try Chinese and Indian girls and asked me if i can find any of those girls for him. I blocked him straight away and that was the last chat. He used to msged me still in the middle of the night asking if i’ve even changed my mind to have sex with him so i changed my number too.

So girls out there. Beware of this kind od sick guys. Just get away from them. They’d even lie about their status just to have sex and then would leave you cause they’re in a rs and loves their gf but too desperate to have sex. (-__-) !

Oh, and this guy here came from a very good school and currently in JC too. So people, never judge a book by it’s cover. He looks decent, very educated but his brains are just polluted. So doesn’t mean that if that guy came from a good school means that he’s a good guy okay . do take note (:
  Sakit ker tak, Mat nie.
Sent: 19 February 2010 01: 06AM

Hey people.. I would like to share a story based on my experiences..
Hope you guys enjoy reading..

I consider myself a freak at times..If u could look into my heart, it's black..I was not always like this though..Used to be bubbly, happy-go-lucky..Experiences took that away..
I pernah kenal macam2 lelaki lahs..Yang handsome tapi player,Yang tak handsome tapi step player,And lelaki yang i tk tahu aper nak cakap..

Tapi ader satu lelaki yang i kenal, really left a lot of hatred in me..

I kenal A dari my ite dulu..Dier pernah mintak my number..Tapi i tak kasi at that point of time pasal i nga attached..My friend, F rapat dgn bestfriend A..F selalu bilang i yang A ni paiseh pasal i mcm tolak dier..
Pi bukannyer i bermaksud nak buat dier macam gitu lahs..A orang nyer macam typical good guys lahs..Muker dier, prangai dier smuer..During our time in ite, kiter tak bebual sangat..

Biler i masok poly, kebetulan dier pun samer poly dgn i..Tapi dier 1 year senior than me..
I joined a certain activity in school..I tahu A attached dengan E..Tapi i pun tak kisah pasal i was attached at that point of time..

Then one day, me and my bf broke up..Kebetulan, A msn dgn i on that day itself..Dier bilang i dier pun nga single..Then, dier bebual bende jiwang2 arh..I tahu he was merely sweet talking..Tapi i decided to kasi dier chance..Since it started way back in ite..I awkward jugak lahs mula2..

Satu hari, our activity group ader gathering..Kirekan itu first time we meet since kiter attached..Biler dah habis gathering, kiter spent time 2 orang ajer..Then, i got to know him better..

I punyer impression of dier was,walaupun dier sweet talker motha fucka,dier kind of baik..Walaupun dier tak handsome, tapi hati dier tulus..Or so i thought..

I nyer orang actually not that financially well off lahs..Cukup2 makan lahs katekan..I ader keje part time..Tapi pasal i nga studying, i bleh keje braper hari ajer..

A pulak criter pasal family situation dier..Dier kater bapak dier tk suker dier masok that activity group and regard it as a waste of money..I tahu dier ader keje..Pi i tak tahu how much dier earning..

I kesian punyer pasal, i offer untuk kluarkan duit biler kiter kluar one fine day..I sanggup tipu mak i untuk dapatkan duit tu..I ni smoker, so is he..I isap rokok merah, dier isap rokok kretek..I benci arh kretek..Pi dier nyer pasal, i sanggup beli rokok kretek untuk dier..

Lamer kelamaan, jadi kebiasaan pulak asyik i yang kluar duit biler kiter kluar..I tak mind lahs..Kesian nyer pasal..Then, satu hari, baru abt few weeks kiter mataer, dier mintak i BJ..I cakap i tak nak..Macam merepek kan..Tak sampai sebulan, nak buat bende2 bodoh..Dier kater dier need it and stuffs..I cakap i tak nak means tak nak..

In the end, dier mintak break..I memang tak kisah.. Pasal feeling i untuk baru seberaper jek..

Biler dah break dgn dier, aru i dapat tahu stuffs from the seniors..Dorg bilang i yang A i suker mataer sekejap2..Kadang2 the rest of the guys sampai bet dgn each other how long he can last with a new girl..
I bingit lahs..Dorg sepatutnyer bilang i siang2..What if i dah btol2 sayangkan dier?I dapat tahu from S that A nyer ex before me break dengan dier pasal. he was ''taking things too fast''..I was shocked.. Pasal lelaki ni muker tak macam lelaki ''sakit''..

Then, came more stories..How dier used the same tactics untuk dapatkan duit dari orang..

Ader one of his friend bingit dengan dier pasal dier kerja, yet dier indirectly mintak i duit..
What brings this hatred is that, biler break up,dier takder cakap thanks pun kat i for all the things i did for him..Dier lagi boleh tengok i macam i yang salah biler bertembung..Sumpah macam siak prangai..

I am thankful me and him break up siang2..Kalau tak, bankrupt lahs aku..
  Mat suruh buat, kena buat.
Maafkan lah hamba, hamba busy sgt sampai tak sempat nak update this precious blog of mine. Tak boleh angkat i tell you my work, penat sgt.. Biaselah kan, kerja mane tak penat? Lagi lagi kalau kerja dgn government.. Macam-macam kena buat. Salah sikit jer, habis kena fuck atas bawah! Hehe. Shhhhhh!

Nairi Senah nak talk malay lah, malas nak type English. I very feeling melayu today (:

Recently, i was talking-talking gitu dgn one of my Mat kejer and randomly started a topic about
"Asal minah-minah skrg tk pandai jage Mat dieorg?"
Kecoh k, boleh jadi gaduh tau bebual ngan my Mat kejer nie. I standard lah, mempertahankan kaum hawa, cheyyy, abeh si Mat dungu ni.. pertahankan malaun-malaun Mat2 nie bebual mcm dah lame hidup je nie mat. aku siku kang! makan bubur 7 bulan. hehe :)

i cut short je lah eh, conversation kite nie. Pasal kalau nak ikot detail.. Makkk aiiii, lembab geng, sampai 2 page pon tak abis story!
"Eh, aku peh pompuan eh, geram je.. Aku cakap ngan de, de buat tak heran jer" - Mat
"Padan muka kau, means minah kau dah tk heran pasal kau! heheh" - Me
"Mulut taik! Yerlah, aku msg de ckp aku nak kuar. De ckp k. Aku nak tuh nak nie, de ckp - Buat lah sendiri." - Mat
"Abeh geram urh? Lau kau treat de mcm Maid, sape mau layan. Aku pon tk nak! " - Me
"Mane ader, De kan pompuan aku, tolong aku lah buat nie and tuh.. " - Mat

please note this, kite minah-minah nie semua, choose to become your girlfriend/life partner/wife/tunang bukan untuk jadi hamba kepada kamu mat-mat semua okay.
So Mats out there, nak tau kenapa minah-minah react gitu tak?

so lau minah-minah korang nie semua dah start perangai ni mcm, korang sit down.. REFLECT. slh siapakah ini? Salah korang ker? Salah minah korang ker tk nak dgr ckp korang.

Tapi asal suruh de buat nie, buat tuh.. Amek nie amek tuh, Masak nie masak tuh.. jgn pandai order jer.. (my mum selalu ckp gitu at my dad! hahaha.)

jeng jeng jeng. i don't know (:

peluk cium peluk cium
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
  When Mat go over the edge
Sent: 11 February 2010 12: 54PM

Aku kenal ngan this mat.. Pada masa tu aku keje kat contruction site sebagai admin so dier tk byk bebual la.. masa off aku kiter klua.. Semua dier bayar.. Da masok dua bulan aku resigned dan mula keje kat airport. Pada masa tu semua berubah.. Bayangkan, kalau aku ngah buat keje.. Tengah serve passenger ke atau ngan sibuk, dier kalau call aku tk angkat.

Miss call leh jejak sampai 30 missed call dan message dalam 5 minit.. Then biler aku call balik, macam macam dier tuduh aku. Aku bual ngan laki la, aku da lupakn dier la.. Kadang kala sampai boring aku mahu layan. Everytime aku mintak break, dier mintak maaf dan ckp dier akan berubah... Tension tau otak nie.

Lagi satu, dier ckp ngan aku dier keje ica tapi batang hidung pun tak pernah nmpk. Lepas tu duit gaji dier pun aku tk pernah nampak. Kalau klua semua aku byr.Aku pun mula terfikir, setiap hari dier hantar aku g keje dan lau break time aku tk blang dier, dier msg kawan keje aku suruh check. So break time aku kene ngan dier.

Yang buat aku tekad untuk break yelah nie, da la dier control aku nk g mane2. Aku g family nye bbq tanpa dier pun dier marah aku kat telephone.. Pada masa tu kakak aku blang last minute.. Mana la aku tau..

Then satu hari aku g batam ngan mak, kakak dan abg ipar aku.. Aku ajak dier, dier tak mahu. Hp aku tk de roaming so mati la katakn. Jejak kaki aku kat singapore, ini la message dier pada aku "DA LA U, U G LA SCANDAL NGAN MAT BATAM KAT SANA, DORG KAN LEBIH BAGUS DARI I. I TAHU U G SANA DGN SCANDAL U BUKAN NGAN FAMILY U". Darah sikit nye menyirap. sampai aku di bawah block, dier sedang tunggu. mak aku sampai geleng kepala.. Betul nye malu aku.

apa lagi aku mintak break.. Aku ingat perasaan ego sampai di situ, rupanya tidak... Dier call kakak aku and kawan baik aku tanya kenapa aku mintak break. Kenapa aku berubah sampai gini.. Tapi aku tetap mintak break..

Da lepas sebulan break, dier mintak kwn aku call aku mintak brg dier balek... Katakn brg yg dier kasi aku. Suruh aku antar kat kwn aku. Dier ingatkn aku kuli dier ke. Aku jawap balek ckp kalau nk. Ambek sendiri.. akhirnya dier ambek sendiri,,

Dasar laki dayus... Ego tk bertempat...
Tip from TypicalMATsays: Aiyooohh, this Mat rabak pah?! Actually darling, i've encountered this very tight situation where the Mat i used to be with or date. CONTROL RABAK! He is like the ultimate freak lah. he can give me 55 missed calls. He will send me endless text messages. He will always throw vulgarities at me whenever i never pick up his calls. So tell me, Whats the best thing to do? YES! DUMP HIM.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
  3 lies that every Mat tell
Of course all of us have encountered situation where you know your Mat is cheating but you're just not so sure. And as the saying of typicalMATsays: the lies that they tell. Today we are going to feature 3 top lies that a Mat will tell the girlfriend, just to make her feel all goody-up.

I wasn't checking Her Out, Sumpahh!
How many times have we all done this one? Be it for the Mat or for the Minah? Here is the truth, women. Your Mat were checking her out, she is hot, and that doesn't mean your Mat doesn't love you. Your Mat might be attracted by her perfume or just her simple way of dressing? Some of typicalMATsays friends(Mats) told us this. "The only time we won't be checking out ladies, that means it is time to go for an eyecheck up" - irritating or what?! korek mate korang baru tau!

"No, macam mane nak bilang, i pon tk tau mane nak pergi"

These are the sad lies, the ones your Mat tells because he's falling out of love. The more quickly a woman seeks the truth behind these lies, the sooner she can remedy the relationship -- or, if necessary, end it. A change in voice can be significant. Well, your Mat will stumble and think for a short pause just too tell you this, thus you know your Mat is lying and he do know where on earth will he be going too (:

I won't be interested in any of your friends....even if we didn't know each other!
Here is the big one. The truth is, the Mat probably be interested in ALL of them. The Mat will scan around the group of girls you always hang out with and at times will exchange smiles that won't get him caught! That doesn't mean all Mat going to do it. Your Mat will say "I love YOU, sweetheart" ...but if these Mats gonna be totally honest, he would just tell you off your face "you've got some pretty sexy sisters too!"
Thursday, February 11, 2010
  Classification: Mat Stalker
There are no two ways about it... Mat stalkers are jerks. They are also dangerous, and emotionally and mentally sick. eeeeuuuuuwwwwww

Well these Mat stalker bukan aje in real life jer ader, more and more we are seeing stalkers in the cyber world. Whether one is stalking in real life or on the Internet, they have serious problems and need help.... but not from you. Paham?

Some women seem to find the obsessive attention with a Mat stalker somehow flattering. (weird eh?) They seem to think the unrelenting obsession is a confirmation of how great they are. haha, jadi nie part boleh lah perasaan jambu, konon-konon ader secret admirer. Sawan per?!

No. While you may be a wonderful person, stalking is not a reflection of your "wonderfulness", it is a sign of sickness in the Mat stalker. Wahh, mcm paham per aku bebual english. The reason why i use this sign - " is because i don't know any other words to replace this shit. So sorry, vocab gue tak byk.

Mat Stalkers are also dangerous. If a Mat stalker has come into your life, please do not take it lightly. Understand the seriousness of this issue and speak with law enforcement officers. Cheyyy! Konon aku keje government. Okaylah, kalau you guys get v v scared or pussy suddenly, Apply for Police Protection Order ker, ape2 lah.. susah sgt, pekik je "HEELLLPPP!"

Mat Stalkers are sick men who need help. They are not terrific guys who think you are great!
Be smart and careful. So next time, tkmo perasaan jambu (:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
  Traits of Prasaan Mat Mod
Just a quick updates. This is a story SHARED by one of our readers of typicalMATsays. So enjoy (:
From: _________________________
Sent: 08 February 2010 11: 09AM


When I first saw him, there was nothing special about him. He wasn't THAT good-looking, the didn't have the Abg Body build and he was young; young enough to pose off as my younger brother.
But oh well, the plus point on his part was, he had such a glib tongue. I fell in love with him after three weeks, or so I thought.

He claimed he was a mod. Don't ask me what the significance is being a mod in Singapore because from what I knew, mods originated in London in the 1950s. How the hell they influenced the posers in Singapore, I really have no idea. But this mat, who was really into the mod scene etc, was a poor mod. He barely had money to top up his $5 ez-link. No offence, but it's the fact.

Mat Mod's trait #1:
Suke berbual world.
He was often saying that he had mat saleh blood when his face was like one of those normal jawa-malay guys. He said his uncle is Mat Saleh, and his uncle (not him) was born at Liverpool.

The truth?

This mat saleh, who really came from Liverpool, married his aunt, who is Malay. So it just means that this Mat Mod is pure Malay, not even a tinge of Mat Saleh blood. So weird. It's like a pig saying he doesnt like to mix with other pigs becaus they're pigs. Get the link?

Mat Mod's trait #2:
This one, classic. Biasalah, bila nk kacip perempuan, start lah dier punye "My girlfriend left me last week cos dier ada lelaki lain" and "You make me feel complete" bla bla bla. When I got together with him, ingatkan dier single. Rupa-rupanye masih ada matair. Diorg dh break tkpe, still in contact ni. Dasar dua2 miang kan?

Mat Mod's trait #3:
Prasan ladies' boy
Ada one period of time ni, dier ada 3 scandals at one time, but still come by my block at night to have sex with me. Kirakan dier bangga la, ada 3 scandals but masih ada 1 girlfriend yang nk main ngan dier. Kong aj btol.

Mat Mod's trait #4:
Kaki pukul
Ni dah mcm biase dah. Asal gaduh, tangan jln. Ludah kat muke org. Tumbuk mata aku bila it's hari raya eve. Sampai lebam mata, kena pakai foundation bertepek. At that point of time, aku dh tekad nk break ngan si Mat Mod ni.

Mat Mod's trait #5:
Kikis duit orang
Tak tau malu btol si Mat Mod ni. Nk pergi pangkeng, msg kwn aku utk pinjam duit. Sakit sgt la tu. Kalau tkde duit nk beli apape, nk makan apape, baru nk jumpe aku. Kalau dier ada duit, dier senyap je. Bila part gaji aku masuk, tau pulak dier nk call ajak aku klua.

Mat Mod's trait #6:
Step kwn dgn bebudak band
Tak habes2 nk lepak kat Esplanade, kononnya dgn band mates dier. Padahal satu musical instrument pun dier tk tau main. Dh knape ni? Bodoh ke stupid? Kononnya jgk, kwn2 dier byk kat The Sallys & Comic strip. Macam paham. Pernah aku tanye one of the comic strip members whether dier knl si Mat Mod ni. Dier kata tk knl. Kesian btol si Mat Mod, tkde kwn rupanye.

Kalau nk list down all his traits nanti sampai bsok pun tk habis. Alhamdullilah, I'm now with a mat yang total opposite of this Mat Mod. And dgr2 this Mat Mod is back with the very first girl he left to be with me. Semoga diorg bahagia lah eh.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
To the girl,
Im not dumb or blind. Neither am i deaf. Let me firmly tell you this, get the fuck off my face or net, more to be, or you'll loose everything you have now. Now that you are dating 'him', I've laid the red carpet for you to walk on, and of course: Go and get a life. I don't give a fuck about 'him'. Your presence started the whole fiasco between 'him' and me. Kawan aku yang kenal aku luar dalam, buang aku pasal kau. You should feel sorry for breaking a used to be v loyal-friendship.

Eventhough bcoz of you 'he' changed a lot and having to befriending with him for v long, he choose to overthrow me for your sake. Macam kau peh puki ader diamond gitu. So be it. You've got to know the whole story first before telling tales. I rather not prolonged this matter coz you're freaking 21 years old and you know what should be done.  What is right and whatsnot. Take your last shot in trying to make 'him' hate me more and make sure your last shot is worth taking. Babe, don't push me.
  Mat pakai 'barang' at me :(
Hey all of ya, miss TMS? tak? alaaaaaaaaahhh. Tak nak updatelah :(
hehe, well i managed to squeeze sometime in between and update this blog for you darlings.

Sent: 05 February 2010 11: 27AM


Hi, I wanna to share with you guys on one of my suckiest experience in my life ever. It was a wake up call for me and also, a lesson to be learnt for others. Let's just disclose the name as it too personal to be told.

This happened in the midst of Oct - Nov 09. I'm attached to my wonderful boyfriend for 4 years. And, of course, in parts and parcel of relationship, there's always time when you are up and you are down.

The monster,XX, wife just passed away. As a Facebook friend, when your friend is down, you would want to cheer them up right? So, each time when XX posted a sad status, i would comment him and cheer him up. Nothing more than that.
My relationship with my boyfriend gone haywired. Miscommunication, Misunderstanding etc etc. XX started a conversation with me on Facebook, and since then, we both chatted, share each other problems etc.

It wasn't for long when he decided to meet me up for a cup of tea. So, why not? Infact, i only regard him as a friend. Fullstop.

So, after our first meetup, he confessed to me how he felt when he met me. Those mushy-mushy sms was seriously no joke! I was surprise cause i didn't expect him to say that when his wife just passed away for not even a month!
I knew if I'm still going on the friendship i had with XX, i'm sure gonna be in deep deep trouble. I don't know what was I thinking that time.

Few days later, he asked me on a date to the movie. Take note - my relationship with my boyfriend is still ON but rocky that time. Like i said, I dont know what was i thinking, I agreed.

So, after work he fetched me etc etc. And, we started to get close - very close. We went out w/out my boyfriend knowing till one fine day, my boyfriend called me up and asked for a meet up. I knew i had to confess to him one day soon about this.

I scolded my boyfriend, calling him names etc etc. Never did i thought, my boyfriend called my parents up asking why am i reacting this way etc etc. My relationship with my parents too gone haywired. Each time when I reached home, we would verbally quarreled with each other.

One day, when I reached my void deck after meeting XX, I saw my boyfriend sitting alone. He came to me begging and crying. Asking me why, what have he done wrong etc. I cried along with him. Memang tak sangka, bile jumpe XX, hati i asyik nak mengamok aje dengan orang lain. Tapi bile i jumpe my boyfriend, i nangis, mintak maaf dekat dia etc. Macam 2 different personality.

To cut it all short, I told him about XX. A to Z. At one point of time, I remembered telling him that XX had this 'barang' with him. Not sure if it's good or bad, my boyfriend decided to ask his auntie (orang berubat) secretly behind my back.

After that incident, I still went out with XX, till one fine day, my dad all geared up to find XX and beat him.

I mean - come on? XX wife belum lepas 100 hari, kubur masih merah, lagi masih boleh bercinta dengan pompuan (refer to me) yang 10 years younger than him? Ridiculous. - that's what my parents, my friends, my boyfriend, my boss, my colleagues said to me.

My dad nearly give up on me. I was afraid to go back home until i have to call my boyfriend to accompany me. So, he drove all the way to my place and accompany me back home. At that time, i was crying like mad. My boyfriend was so patience with me. Very patience. He did not give up on me.

Even my close friends asking me why am i too devoted to XX until my relationship with the rest of my close ones turned sour. They keep advicing me but being the stubborn me, i ignored.

1 December 2009, it was our 4th year anniversary. Things around us doesn't really change much. XX still smses me with all those 'sayang' etc etc.
In the morning, my boyfriend called me up and aleh-aleh told me that XX ade pakai barang dekat I. I dont believe at first. But never did i thought, my boyfriend went to 4 different people asking about me. And, they said the same thing. I was blanked.

To cut it short, at night, my boyfriend & I including my parents met with my boyfriend's auntie (since I tak percaya my boyfriend, i told him that i wanna meet his auntie personally). It was a scary procedure. But this is what his auntie told me.

His auntie told me that XX ade celop barang dekat tangan I. XX also tiup at my face so that i fall for him each time we met. And, barang yang die ade is barang tak baik.

"XX ni memang kurang ajar. Belum 100 hari dah carik pompuan muda lain. Barang tu barang pengasih. Mane kau tak perasan sebab kau dalam tangan dia." - his auntie said.

Lepas mandi bunga etc etc, alhamdulillah, everything went well after that. I was told not to contact with XX ANYMORE.

I changed my number. I changed my email address, I close down my Facebook. My relationship with my close one also improved. I dah tak termenung. My job also tak haywired.

Since then, i began to realise, what if my boyfriend didn't come to a rescue? It could have been WORST. And, thank god for my boyfriend being patience towards me. I am still with my boyfriend since today.

MORAL: To all the girls out there, becareful of who you met from Online. Take this as a lesson. If something SUDDENLY went wrong with your surrounding (your workplace, your relationship w your parents, your friends drifted away), dont hesitate to approach orang-orang berubat and tell them to check on you. Memang tak sangka, bende mcm gini masih boleh wujud, but it still is. It's just weird that bini belum lagi 100 hari, suami dah carik pompuan lain yang 10 years lagi muda daripada dia. And, im one of the victim.
Friday, February 5, 2010
  MAT salah atau Minah?
From: ______________________________
Sent: 04 February 2010 22: 48PM

I was with this Mat for approx 3yrs (that time la). Mat was in F&B industry so biase la ade ramai female colleagues. At first, I’m ok with his job scope as a waiter, No hal, really. Until a new waitress, masuk. Jeng2~!! Start la cerita nye…
(Background info sikit: The new waitress is a Malay girl. Younger than Mat & I. She got a son but not married. Her being younger & a single-parent, I sikit pon tak pandang rendah at her. Cause to me, kite same2 pompuan so I try to feel how she’s feeling and coping la. )

Once a while, when Mat and I have our serious chats about work and her topic arises, I do encourage Mat to guide her in her job at the same time stressing how difficult it is for her to support herself and her son. I also gave Mat a stern warning supaya ‘JGN MACAM-MACAM’ with this new waitress.

So semua macam biase between Mat and me, and Mat and his job. She as his colleague pon macam biase until I dapat tahu (from trusted sources who works WITH THEM) that they start dinner-ing and having breaks together.

At first, I’m not so suspicious because I trust Mat and her (even though I’ve never met her before). I mean, mutual trust should be build up after being together for 3yrs kan. And the reason I trusted her was because she is a woman herself. So I believe that she will not do anything that will hurt another woman.

So I had a mild confrontation with Mat and he confessed to dinner-ing and having breaks with her but that’s all. Nothing more. He assures me there is nothing more to their just-colleagues relationship. That’s fine with me.

But things started to get too obvious. Mat starts to share with me her private issues like her issues with her family, her bf, her personals, etc… like c’mon! If he knows these private infos, obviously they are so close that they’re able to share these things.

And to cut it short, her Mat pon jadi not happy with my Mat cause she keeps on singing praises of my Mat seperti: “_______ sorang aje yang understands how I really feel. Only he takes good care of me.”

Her Mat confronted my Mat and terus jadi hal besar. I got into the picture and we had a 4-person convo on the phone. To cut short, I told them all off and they better buck up on their OWN relationship issues rather than menyebok kan hal ehwal orang lain (trying to hint at my Mat).

I also slow talked to her that she should stop sharing her personal infos to my Mat and respect her Mat and my feelings. Ade jugak spats and verbal cat-fights in between (she claimed that she can take my bf from me if she wants to. Bole gitu!?) but eventually we settled it, with her concluding that she WILL NOT CONTACT MY MAT ANYMORE. I told her that I will NOT change my hp number and IF there is anything (and I mean ANYTHING) with regards to my Mat, feel free to contact me. So that’s the end of her. Or so I thought…

1yr later, Mat and I was still together. I ingat kan that waitress da takde dalam buku kite lagi but no! Apparently she managed to enter frame. Somehow they got acquainted again (tak tahu bile) and have been exchanging texts behind my back.

I was kept in the dark throughout and never once I was suspicious of him because he remained the same person all the way. But what I do noticed was that he became a little cold towards me. Showing me lesser attention and we don’t meet as often. Being simple-minded, I assumed that perhaps my Mat has been too tired with work and studies. So I didn’t really mengamok much. Then, another trusted source (bf’s acquaintance) shared with me a valuable info.

Cut short, he shared that my Mat has reacquainted with the waitress and they have been texting, fucking and going out three person (along with her son. Da macam happy family gitu kan~). Imagine my hurt and disappointment!

Ape lagi, I did what most infuriated women would do. I serang my Mat depan-depan. Takde lee-way nor high-way. I langgar; jalan terus! As usual, mati-mati my Mat deny! I don’t give a shit, really. I demanded to see his hp and to my disappointment, he has deleted ALL my pics and saved only HER pics and a pic of her son. My hands were shaking like crazy. I sent her number to my hp (from my Mat's hp) secretly, returned him back his hp and angkat kaki jalan.

Menangis rabak upon reaching home. Later that night, I called her up. Obviously she remembered me and started verbally abusing me with her lists of vulgarities, kutuk I yang bukan-bukan. Honestly, I ni pon, bukan nye baik sangat with my vocabs. But I respect other women because we’re all women ape…

Nak bitch-fit just because of ONE guy, macam tak worth it gitu. For all we know, here we are fighting with our own kind and there they are (the men) laughin and cheering on. (Sape yang bodoh? Sile jawab sendri.) But she was simply too much. So satu bakul maki dia bagi I, 2 bakul I hentam balik. Honestly, it was no use la. How things eventually ended up was, she started to bitch about my Mat to me. Crying and begging me to ‘GIVE’ my Mat to her because she loved him so much and sharing how well he has ‘taken good care of her all this while’. Darah up je as I listen. So I told her I’ll see what I can do.

Reverting back to my Mat, I trashed out everything that she has said and told him to make the FINAL choice that’s in HER favour. On my part, there is no reason why we should continue this relationship when he has been cheating behind my back. And since both of them same type, might as well la kan get together. He apologized repeatedly and hoped that we could put this terrible episode behind and start all over again (seriously, banyak cantik muka dia!?) Of course I felt the love, still. But the hurt was simply too much!

Although I was hurt, I couldn’t bring myself to hate him. I left our relationship and leave my fate with my Mat(now ex) to God. We’re still friends now and things are better this way. I’m happier because he showered MORE attention to me while it’s my turn to enjoy my single life to the fullest (with a clean record, that is!).

What I’ve learnt from here is, doesn’t mean I’ve given him my heart; he’ll give his to me. For all I know, I’m sharing his heart with someone else. Another fact I’ve learnt from this episode is NOT ALL GIRLS ARE TRULY GIRLS. I thought being women (same species), another would understand how another feels and would try NOT to do things to hurt our kind.

I’ve always believed that we would protect our own kind against the men. I’m no feminist but I hold by a certain principle whereby we should respect others and their properties (including bf/spouse). Tapi, as they always say: “Rambut sama hitam; hati lain-lain.” Disappointed, really
& to all TMS loyal readers,
I am sorry to informed you people that i won't be updating this blog as often for the next few days due to some personal problem.  
Anyway, i have a question about hospital. But do they have wireless? :(
Thursday, February 4, 2010
  When Another Race meet a MAT
I woke up feeling all lethargic and i went straight to my hot sexy red VAIO lappy. Read up all the mails i receive as usal. Twitter, Spam, Spam, Nuffnang, and only ONE story from my reader.
and this reader is v special to me. This reader is non-malay and i was shocked with what she went through with our race, our Mat. With the fact that its an interesting story, i am also glad that TypicalMATsays also attract non-malay readers too (;

So enjoy people.....

Sent: 04 February 2010 15: 29PM

Hi there TMS!

Firstly.. I am really please that you have shared all these with u guys. I hope you can help more people.
Secondly.. Here is my story which i would like to share.. Sorry if its gonna be long winded.. hahaa.. :)

When i was 15, i met my first malay bf (am i a chinese). His the sort of skaterboys whom do act like a MAT too.. well.. they are all the same.
What attracted him to me, was when i was down he happened to be there.. (its like rite timin gitu lah..) and of cus his cool skater bullshit at that time.

I was over the moon of cus.. Reason being.. to date a different race is somewhat exciting of cus.

We started having sex into the second mth.. and after that.. it was just.. nothing.
I got more sticky towards him, thinking he was the best! I admit I was too needing him that he might think that his not having fun for his 15 year old life.

We drifted apart dratiscally. He started to MIA and all that you mention about signs of MATs cheating begin to show.
I do somehow know that was happening and it got me more sticky towards him and hoping he would change.
Well.. i dig my own grave and I did not regret. If i didnt, i wouldnt see his true colour.

It was our anniversary once and i booked a chalet just for the two of us.Let say we were supposed to meet at 12pm. He did not show up then, so i called him and he said his still busy at home. When actually.. right in front of my eyes.. he was with another gal. So i hold my cools and waited for another 15mins before ringin him again. Finally he admitted but he say they are just frens. I told him I will be at the chalet waiting for him and he actually brought the gal and his fren over too.

I was fumming mad but wat can i do. I told him off and he chased the two away. And of cus they chalet stay went well with his crap shit promises.

Things never got better between us. I was torned, I did badly. Im in a single parent family and my frens have all left me becus I was too attached to him and listen to wateva he said. Soon, i was alone, and pregnant. Somehow, we didnt handle the situation properly and end up, it was a police case. My mother hated me so much she sent me out of the house and into a gals home. I had no choice. I was scared, i am not in the home bcus i steal or did crime.. it was bcus i loved him. Of cus, he did noth much throughout this whole issue and his dad even called me names. I bear with all this and killed my first child.

Well.. I think i did not mention above that i was a sex toy him. I only found out that I am after we broke up. Bcus.. he would only be nice if he wants some sex. we were never that loving as we were and ppl in sch, call me his dog. Very soon, he asked for breakup, bcus he think i was crazy. After my second abortion, (yes, SECOND) i got very protective and got depressed with my mother just hating me more each time she sees me. He found someone new and i only found out after we broke up. I wasnt aware so I would text him and wait for him under his blk just hoping to see his face as he would void me in sch. I still send breakfast to his class every morning and would be all alone in sch.

Once, i really missed him badly and i begged him to just meet me in sch for just 5 mins.. he did and i was greedy and told him to stay longer, he refused. He got up and punched me hard in the tummy and left. I was in great pain and could only call my fren to help me home.

I called him that nite, and it was finally over.
Becus he said, "Even if you were to die. It is ur pasal."
I hung up and told myself, that was it.

With that, i failed my O'levels badly and i started dating all sorts of man and i would cheat on them or just date them for a short period of time.
It was a way for me to "get back" and stay alive. There is more when i got no home, no noth.

The moral: Not just minahs or malay gal do the mats treat in a bastard way. The story that continues from there is about me meetin another ex of mine, one that i took courage to not cheat and get back anymore. But it still didnt work out. cus i was cheated in the end.
I learnt my lesson and now.. I am very blessed with my fiance now. I will be converting soon as well.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
  Ex Mat i All in one tao
Sent: 02 February 2010 23: 12PM

Hey there beautiful readers + owner, I would like to share a kinda long story yet sickening to me. Hope you guys enjoy reading it and doesn't feel bored, as it's a long story.

I get to know this Mat from Friendster cum Facebook back in 2007 (can't remember the month). At first we were just commenting on each other profile and he have been sending smile(Friendster) to me. At that point of time I know that he just broke off with his ex gf which work at the same place with him, also he's my cousin's ex bf as well. And I was attached with my long term bf. It all started when we exchanged MSN add and chatted all the way through there. He jolly well knows that I'm attached at that time but no harming being friends right? While MSN-ing with each other, webcam and all, he asked for my no and wish to talk to me coz the connectivity at his house was kinda sucks. Starting from there we talked everyday and he will call me once he's at work and will make a wake up call for me to go to work everyday without fail.

At that time, me and my bf not really in good term and in a verge of split up. So, few months time we became close, till I broke off with my bf and go steady with him. At first, he was so sweet, caring and loving guy. He will meet me everyday after my work and before he went to work at town. He's a bouncer at one of the big club. Until 1 day when he had a problem at his work place and furthermore I don't really like it when he work as a bouncer, a problem start to arise.

But unfortunately, he also having problems at home. So, since we are bf gf, I offered him to stay at my place for a month until he get his own house which both my parents agreed. All goes smoothly when 2 months later we stay at his sister's place. Things suddenly turns sour after staying there. He started to beat me and stuff, scolding me for no reasons, started to control me. His sister is married with 2 kids, he don't let me talk to his bro in law. I mean like, it's a bit weird when you guys staying in one roof and I can't even talk to the owner of the house, wtf?! Mat claimed that his bro in law some kind of flirtish guy, I mean both hubby and wife is not faithful to each other but I wouldn't careless bout their matter.

As time goes by, he became more and more obsessive and over protected over everything. Like I can't talk to my colleagues(boys), every movement I have to report to him like going for my lunch and dinner break at work, can't even look at motorcycle and passerby. Kalau ade laki passby, i nk kene tundok bwh. Tk ke mcm mengarutz? THINGS THAT HE DID THAT I CLAIMED "CONTROL".-He will check my lappy history like which website I surf and check hp.-My bro PS3 got my ex bf photos, he asked to delete all of them even though not his property.-Some has stated above.-If my dad get close to me his face will change as if he don't like it.-I can't comment about any of the actor on tv. (He's acting too)-

My family can't talk to me anything about their friends especially my bro's fren.-If my bro's fren visit over, I have to go inside the room and can't talk with them even though I regards them as small brother to me and known for years.-He don't let me going out with my girlfrens w/o him.-

He even fucked my bro when his camp mate stay in my house for few days stating that could be me and my bro's camp mate will have an affair even my parents around.. and etc etc.. So slowly, I feel like shit when I'm with him and started to think about the ex coz he never treat me how this Mat treated me before.

Like seriously, my ex ever warned me not to be with this guy coz he's not a gd guy. Yeah my ex knows him. At one point of time when I was working, and his off day, he claimed that wanted to visit his parents, take his stuff and all. And on that very particular day, I feel something is not right coz usually he will text or call me every minute. But that time, I don't even receive any missed call or text from him. When suddenly one of my friend called me up and asked.

friend: Woit, ko kt mane?
Me: Aku kt keje lar, kt mane lagi...
Fren: Mat mane uh?
Me: Mat g uma mak de g amek brg jap.. Asl?
Fren: Aku rase aku nmpk de uh kt daerah Yishun.... Tapiiiii dgn POMPAN.
Me: Wat???? De ngn pmpn? Sape pmpn 2? How she look like?
Fren: Aku tk knal 2 pmpn p de pkai baju colour pink, nmpk mcm lawa2 sket rmbt blonde. De mcm nmpk aku ngn laki aku kt dlm kete tapi de tgkkn je. Aku pon buat bodo lar.
Me: K tkpe, aku g siasat.
Fren: Ko jage2 girl, jgn percaye sgt ngn nie jntn.
Me: KK, aku tau. Thanks for the information.

As soon as I know the info from my friend, I just act as normal until that night he fetch me from work. Before that I called up his sister and asked baju ape de pkai and all, adek de describe and tell me what time he going back. So, when he fetch me, his face normal. Like nothing happens. But I started to act strange. Sape tk tekejot kn bile dpt tau bf de ade jmp pmpn lain? I couldn't help it, I ask him. He said that he meet his old friend over there when he was about to leave that area.

To cut it short, after some time, I get to know that he went hotel with this girl and this girl was his sister's friend!! Yes, his sister also pakat with him! What a sibling. His sister was so good to me and end up she did this. They actually not that close. They came from broken family.

One day he and sister quarreled over some matters, and we stay back at my place. But by the time my whole family didn't like him at all esp my mother. Since my mom knew that I love him so much, she asked us to get married as she worried if I'm pregnant or so. We did register our marriage at ROMM with dad and w/o his parents come over to our place to talk about this matter. We went for marriage course and stuff. Another few more months about to get married, de buat hal. Gado sket je tk alek uma and claimed staying over at his fren's which I don't trust him eventually.

After 2 weeks of silence, I went to ROMM and canceled our marriage date. After few days, we contacted back and he blamed me for canceling the marriage by not talk things out. I mean, what do he expect? Never contact for more than 2 weeks and he still want us to get married? Tk masok akal kn??

We didn't contact for 2 months when suddenly he start contacting back and that time he had a gf, hisgf called me up and talk to me when she knows that we've been contacting and stuff. When I asked him, he denied. He said that girl likes him and she close with his family, that's all. When we are not together, he stay again with his sister. Da baik2 lar 2 konon.

One night he called me up says that wanted to meet me, so he meet me infront of my work place and had our supper together with my colleagues. At that very night he said he wanna get back to me. I did admit that I still love him after what he have done, still have patience. I don't know why. I told that his ex gf we are together again. And that girl claimed that she's pregnant! Lagi 1 hal. He told me that he will pay for the abortion fees.

When we got back together this time, his attitude became worst. Everyday we meet up, he will lay hands on me for no reasons. I will cry but never fight back coz he's way too strong. Biase laki kn. Everytime we quarrel he will beat me as he like and after when he saw me bleeding he will say sorry and cried and moments start again. Tgk de mcm tk btol pon ade lar dekni.

The last break up is on last year Sep when I get to know he meet his ex gf with her frens for a karaoke session, took pictures pelok2! I can't take itanymore and I just asked for break up. On Nov he went to my work place and stating that he still love me and miss me and all bullshits. But at that time, I'm back together with my ex bf.

Till now, he's still on my facebook friendlist. I get to know after he break off with me, he went back together with his ex gf and now I think they break off again. Well, he's the type that not enough with one girl, beats as he likes (even punch me on public till i bleeds) and infront of my parents, always promise but end up not in his words, talks bad about my family and lots more.. it's too hurt to say it out.. t

hat's all for now. actually, it's longer than this but I hope u people will get into the picture. Thank you for your time. =)

September 2009 / October 2009 / November 2009 / December 2009 / January 2010 / February 2010 / March 2010 / April 2010 / May 2010 / June 2010 / July 2010 / August 2010 /

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