Do you know your MAT(s)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
  Mat Sex Addict
Sent: 26 February 2010 00: 36AM

Ok, tak pernah2 aku nak bilang org citer yg panjang bleh pulak aku citer kat TMS. But here goes nothing,i criterkan dulu lah my background as it does serve as the reasons why i met few of the many sons of the b**ch out there aznd got used. First mak bapak i dah cerai sejak i berumur 7 tahun and sampai kan skarang pun i tak lah nak tanyer knaper coz i rather not know anythng. ader jer lah aku sakit hati sndiri. Anyway, i and my elder siblings dijage dgn bapak i tapi itupun i tak rapat ngan dier ataupun ngan adik beradik sendiri. So i lack family bond and even parental guidance.

My brother at that point of time was very abusive. Pukol adik2 tanpa alsan kdg2 and mcm pukol musuh! i benci sgt ngan my bro time tu and my dad, i tak rase comfortable telling him anything. my sisters jgn kater lah kan they have thier own life. So basically i takder mcm takder father figure or someone to tell me or for me to ask advice on. therefore ader jantan jer i senng percaye drg and before i knew it, i was used. I nyer orang peramah pade semua but yet i tak pernah suker budak2 secondry i dulu. To me, they are all very supifcial and tgk pade pandang pertma sahajer. Didnt bother to know the heart. Tapi chk2 aku jgk yg bodoh2 tak tahu tgk hati org jgk, main percaye jer jantan.

Ok, nowadays u bleh nampak byk org hilang virginity drg at early age well including me. I was a virgin untill i was like turning 14. Bodoh ehk ilang at young age. Tapi apekan daya, at that stagei was just plain naive and stupid and i was sweet talk by this NS guy. He has this indian mly look and he was damn good at his words. I kenal ngan dier tru the net i rase and i pun terharu lah org amik perhatian kat i and nak we chatted on the fone. Dah mesra ajak lah jumper. Dier ajak lepak satu tempat yg bleh baring and mkn at same time. Agak2 kat maner??...(pangkeng lah ape lagk). i that time takut2 jgk but dier buat i mcm very comfortable...Being young and naive, i dgrkater dier. i rase memang bodoh ikut rentak dier..Pasal i really ingt lepak jer. before tht maner lah ader rase nak gie tempat2 g2. Biler kiter dah kat pangkeng we chatted, and after some time he pull me close and after that...things started to get more than comfy. It was my first time and he was persistnt in getting in me. I tak tahu ape i patut buat. I dgrkan lah kater dier walaupun not willing. It was my first time lak tu! wasted i know and i did not even close to syg giler babi. just smitten and sweettalk and then I kene pakse buat nie semua ngan dier.. i rase mcm pelacur i rase i mcm di rogol. Pasal i was quite unwilling. After everything has happen, he hail a cab for me and gave me money tok cab alek and offered nak kasih i 50 tok belanjer. I refused. I dah kat rumah, dgn cepat i mandi! dah tgh mandi tu, i nangis and i scrub my bdn rabak2. Rase bodh dan rase kotor. I menyesal kasih kat lelaki yg i tak syg pun. I takut nak bilang saper2 psl i malu dgn diri sendiri.

After many years, there were times when he tries to chat me up at msn walaupun i dah delete him off my msn list. I pun tak layan until there this time he send a file to me. I tanyer ape tu coz dier mcm irritating asyik nak send i bende mepek meraban tah...and i tak nak receive anything dari dier! he dare to say its a porn video of him having sex with his own sister and his fren! threesome! i WAS SO SHOCK and immediately request block of his msn. This guy thinks just coz he is rich, he can have no shame and just fuck around with any girl he wants including his own flesh and blood. That is sickning and yes i rase lagk siak coz the rase of being rape and losing myvirginity was getting to me.

But wait it doesnt end there, i nyer suay,after few years... i terserempak dier kat mrt. he dgn kwn dier . he came up and tnyer i . i just walk away. how dare he can come up to me and act he does ntg to me. disgust me and i really regret the decision i made in trusting him.

nie lah satu2 pengalaman i hadapi. I rase i byk diergunekan kan. Nasib lah i dah jumper my 'the one', my saviour and my soulmate to be.

kepade semua young girls out there, dont give your virginity just to me kalau dah besar lagk,krg mesti menyesal when uve met the one. pasal the bastards dun deserve your innocence.

If i can turn back time i would....its not the best feeling when u feel uve been rape and used....

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