Do you know your MAT(s)
Young and Sexually Deprived Mat
This new post is another entry sent in by one of our readers. This entry really send chill down my spine. I cannot imagine Mat nowadays are kinda cruel and v beasty to the opposite gender. For all those who might feel the same way as one of our reader here, don't feel alone or depressed there is always a solution to every single problem that you face. Cheeyy, berfalsafah ni senah! haha.
Sent: 30 January 2010 11: 54AM
This is something I'd really want to share with the readers of this blog, because I never really told anyone about this before. It'd be really nice to get it off my chest.
Mat and I met at our part-time workplace five years ago. He was younger than me and was quite good-looking for his age actually. Initially he was a really nice guy; buying for me brownies and chocolates when we had common shifts together and even sent me home after work even though he was living quite far away. He was always story-telling to me that he was dumped by his girlfriend because she was cheating on him although he treated her very well. I felt sorry for him because he's a good guy and he didn't deserve any of these. We got together a month after that.
During the first month everything was fine. He was a caring boyfriend, always looking out for me, and would get really angry if anyone mistreated me. At that point of time, me being naive and immature, I thought that he was the one because none of my ex-boyfriends ever treated me the way he did. I was contented with what I have. And I was happier as this Mat never "liked" pretty girls. I, myself, am not that pretty by the way. I thought I had secured quite a good guy.
Coming second month, he started asking whether i'd love to have sex with him. I wasn't in favour of his "proposal" and kept changing the topic every time he brought it up. One day, he brought me to his house. He had konon-kononnya cooked for me and wanted me to try out his cooking. His house was always empty as his guardians were at work. Easy to say, he inserted his dick into me and me being a virgin, couldn't stop him because he was too strong. Truth to be told, I regretted that.
As the relationship progressed, our dates always ended up in having sex. He brought me ANYWHERE to have sex. At the multi-storey carpark, at the staircases, even at vacant blocks! I asked for a break-up umpteen times but each time he would start tearing and begging me to not leave him because he loved me a lot.
Fast forward the story, our second year into the relationship was the ultimate. We argued quite a lot until he got abusive. He'd beat me up at the void deck, punch my face and spat at me because he said that I was an emotional burden to him. The weird thing was, after beating me up, he'd start crying and would start wanting to get intimate with me. Eventually he'd initiate having sex. There were occasions where I refused to have sex with him and he'd start beating me and even tore my pants so that he could have sex with me.
The feeling was terrible. Imagine having sex unwillingly, and letting someone younger control you. We broke up in the end because he found a supposedly better girl. I was never happier after we ended our relationship. After the whole fiasco, his female friends started coming up to me, confessing that they had sex with the Mat several occasions. The Mat also had affairs behind my back. Kirakan aku ni sex partner and ATM je la. That bastard. I was fortunate he hadn't passed any STDs to me.
Girls, moral of the story? Nk matair dgn budak lagi muda boleh. Tapi jgn la carik yang slalu sakit nk main & yg kaki pukol.
Mat i, very abusive.
Sent: 29 January 2010 05: 44AM
To all the ladies out there i just want to share with you guys something i learnt from my past experience. Once a guy hits u.. he will do it again.
So heres my story. 5 years ago i got to know this MAT from a friend. Well we hit it off alright. He seems a nice guy.After few months knowing each other kiter pon start dating. Baru2 everything was sweet. Honeymoon period lah katekan.
But after a few months kitorang matair he starts to become a control freak. I cant have friends. At that point of time im still schooling. Sampai kawan skola pon dia control. Tapi pasal bodoh and sayang nye pasal that time i chose to listen to him. So lepas 6 bulan kiter matair things start to turn sour. Hari2 gaduh. To the extend I cant stand it no more and i decide to end the relationship.
So i called him and wants to end this..dengan cepat he drove to my house with his company vehicle so called to settle stuff. Thats when he start to lay hands on cut it short things settled and we didnt break up cos he threatened to kill me. Haiya susah betul.. i was scared so ikutkan jer and he promised to to lay hands animore.
After 2 weeks the extreme abuse happened. I received smses from my male classmate asking about school stuff and he start to went berserk. We were sitting in his vehicle and he start shouting at me accusing im having an affair. Mcm tak masok akal. He drove to a secluded place. Da start takot part ni conferm kene pukul lagi. and betul2 kener mcm stengah mati. He kept banging my head on his door window.
Punching me slapping me..oh my goodness at that time mcm ingat nak mati gituk. For half an hour he tortured me sampai dia penat. Biler dia da penat tu.. i opened the door and start shouting cam orang giler. Nasib ade orang. Tapi this MAT quickly kluar and put me inside his vehicle back and drove off while this passerby kept shouting what are u doing. Da sampai kat satu tempat ni dia da stress giler takot ni passerby tepon police.
A few mins later boss dia call cakap kenaper police call company dorang. Since dia kai company vehicle so plate number was tracked down to the company. And the boss cakap he gave this MAT hp no.. to the police so the boss ask him to talk to the police. So the police called..ask for particulars and my particulars.. police tanye what happened.. dia pon peng citer cakap im his niece and i ran away from home so he saw me and drag me home tapi passerby tu ingat he want to rape me..something like that. The police said ok.. and i guess they call my house bcos i gave them my home number together with my particulars. So they verify things with my mum so obviously my mum said tak betul lah.
So police called the MAT again and ask dia kat mane bcos dorang nak jumpe just to do a routine check. but they didnt tell they already called my house to verify. So ni MAT start to coax me..sikatkan rambut..tarokkan ubat kat tempat luker2.. mcm sial! and pujuk not to tell them anything. But when the cops arrived i start to pour everything cam volcano semua keluar. So they ask me nak press charges ke tak i said no..i just want him not to be near me anymore bla bla bla..then my mum picked me up and we went home.
Lepas tu ni MAT start to stalk me.. hari2 kat bawah blok..i tried to avoid him as much as possible..tapi satu hari tu dia stalk sampai ke Orchard..and i saw him.. i was so frustrated i approach him saying why hes doing this..and he starts to call me slut infront of the crowd.. I gave him 2 slaps...dia nak pukul balik tapi dia pikir dua kali agaknyer pasal ramai orang. So after that..i didnt saw him ever again sampai nari.
Sorry citer panjang sangat.. kalau nak bilang in details lagi.. 5 page pon tak cukup. Hehe. I hope whoever in this situation..try to get out of it as soon as possible unless u all raser MAT tu boleh berubah.
So, that was the horrible experience on of our girlfriend actually encountered. Gosh, i cannot imagine how strong are you. Able to resist that 30mins of abuse, i think that i waaaaaaaaay to strong.
Hats off you gal!
& for the rest of you, keep the story coming. Why? Coz everyone is at advantange (: (except the horrible mats) That if you guys wanna keep typicalMATsays alive. heh, i know you will.
Mat i AWOL, mcm mane?
AWOL- Absent Without Offical Leave
Okay this is a real true story which i think gonna crack the hell out of you people reading TypicalMATsays. This story that i am going to share with you people is my v much personal and hectic experience evaaaaa~
- Will you date a Mat who is tengah AWOL?
- Will you claim that you and the Mat AWOL nie dah khawin when you guys actually don't?
- Is there really such thing as Ustaz German?
- Will you appreciate it if you come back home (after running away for 10 long months) pregnant and your eldest brother didn't even scold you instead talk to you nicely?
- Will you be greatful to get a brother as such.
- Will you want to be living in one house with a Mat who is tengah AWOL and cannot fucking find a job?
When you readers are reading this story, think about these questions that i've asked. It will make more sense.
It was the morning of Hari Raya (2009) when all of these drama started. Nani texted my boyfriend (whom is her elder brother) saying that she wants to come back home since her dramatic
'lari rumah'. She's 21 this year as in 2010. So do your maths when she ran away from home. Nani wanted to come back home with one good reason, She is pregnant and doesn't have enough Medisave to use, so she need help from Mak.
My boyfriend is a very good and at times v strict yet lovable brother. He never fails to get whatever his siblings wanted from him.
Nak handphone, de belikan.. Aku nie nak shopping kadang-kadang kena marah tau! When Nani messaged him that she was pregnant, all he did was asking her to come back home and we will settle at home, face to face. At that point, i was there with my boyfriend and i swear to god, he was all ready to shoot his larva if he were a Volcano.
Muke dia merah nak mampos.
I was there through out. I reminded my boyfriend to be patience, as patience as ever. Im v glad he controlled himself well. When the moment of truth came, Nani appeared infront of the gate with her tummy bulging out and the Mat whom made her pregnant.
First word when i saw the Mat,
buruk sia, tuh pon si Nani nie ader nafsu nak main ngan si Mat sakai ni? Cover face with pillow and fuck the bottom? Bless me, omgosh.
My boyfriend started asking all kinds of question, well more like interrogation. While mak is crying and abah was just staring, too blank to say a thing.
"Aku dah no choice, Lagi one month baby nak kluar, aku mane ader duit." - that Mat AWOL.
"Takde duit, bomb adik aku pandai? Tanggung urh." - my boyfriend.
"Mmg la aku nak tanggung, tuh sebab aku dtg sini. "- Mat AWOL
"Kau jgn nak kurang ajar eh ngan aku, wire aku lari, kau kicap kat sini." - my boyfriend.
"Takde, skrg korang nak tolong aku ke tak?" - Mat AWOL
"Kau matrep tkde sen? Sengkek sgt per kau sampai anak sendiri nak kluar datang mcm mintak sedekah kat rumah orang?(at that moment my boyfriend dah start shouting he was already standing face to face with the AWOL Mat.) Eh, lu peh tattoo ni semua tak guna lah siak, mane lu peh brother.. Mintak deorang tolong urh." - my boyfriend
"Eh lu mane punya nak bebual ngan gua ni macam"- Mat AWOL
"Aku bukan mane-mane punya eh, aku abg pompuan yang kau bomb. Asal skrg lu ade hal per?" - my boyfriend.
At that moment i know my boyfriend
wire dh lari max. The Mat AWOL pon kurang ajar. My boyfriend sounds very rude eh, i mean yeah He is like any normal guy who will get very angry if your very own sister got pregnant and being tested with a very rude Mat.
After the whole incident settle down, Nani and the AWOL Mat went home, as in the AWOL Mat home. About a week later Nani messaged my boyfriend these.
"Abg, kau tau kan aku dah khawin?" - Nani
"Huh? Tak, sape khawinkan kau?" - my boyfriend.
"Ouh, ustaz German ni khawinkan aku. Sekarang aku nga Mat AWOL ni dh khawin." - Nani
"Kau dah register kat ROM?"- my boyfriend.
"Belom, Mat AWOL nie kan tengah AWOL. Mane boleh register?" - Nani.
"Kau sawan eh? Kau pompuan. Macam mane kau khawin tak pakai Wali? Selagi kau tak register kau nyer marriage yang SAH you are not married to him, jgn jadi bodoh lah." - my boyfriend.
"Dah, aku dah nikah, ustaz german yang nikahkan aku"- Nani.
Don't get me started on this part. Mane ader such things kan? And so when they came over one day, i asked nani..
"Senang eh kau khawin. Khawin golok eh?"- me
"Tak urh, mcm mane nak pi golok, Mat AWOL nie kan ngah AWOL. Mane lepas siol" - Nani
"Ouh, abeh kau khawin mcm mane?" - Me (step bodoh urh)
"Ustaz German yang khawin kan aku" - Nani.
"Surat Nikah mane?" - Me
"Ader, wali aku pegang." Nani
"Huh?! Wali kau kan Abah atau Abg kau. itupon lau Abah dah tkder or He is ultra sick. mcm gitu" - Me
" Aku pakai wali, Mat AWOL ni nyer pakcik" - Nani.
I didn't want to create a scene. I shut my mouth eventhough i seriously wanted to ask more. Please lah, its all lie and i knew it.
Aku bukan bodoh siol, time aku kecik dulu, mak aku hantar aku pergi madrasah sampai Sec 4 tau, walaupon aku cabot byk kali pasal penat sgt aru balik skola kena pergi madrasah.
So yeah, the day came, Nani contractions started and was sent in an ambulance.
So nak tk nak, Mak help Nani financially. That is when things started to get sour in the house. My boyfriend found out that Mat yang bomb kan his sister tengah AWOL. I told my boyfriend to report to the police je lah coz this Mat dah AWOL for almost 3 years. I wonder what are the police doing
sampai susah sangat nak tangkap si malaun nie.
This Mat AWOL cannot find a job. He only sits at home (IN MY BOYFRIEND HOME) and habis kan beras. Mat AWOL ni only uses the electricity and doesnt even pay a shit out of it. This Mat AWOL is driving my boyfriend crazy coz my boyfriend is the one who pays the utilities. Whenever my boyfriend talks to Nani about him not working, Nani will get all defensive. Till one fine day where i cannot take it anymore. I had to voice out.
"Kau jgn kurang ajar ngan abg kau lah!" - Me
"Kau asal? Aku bebual pon ngan abg aku, kau sebok asal?" - Nani.
"Eh, Ape abg kau cakap betol kau tau tak. Eh rabak lah siak abg kau lau mcm gini. Bill semua die bayar."- Me.
"SO? - giving that face 'SLAP ME'" - Nani
"So? abg kau ngan aku pon nak saving sial. Kau pikir kau laki bini je nak hidup.. Jantan kau ni dok rumah habis kan beras. Besarkan buah. Tak guna lah sial, jadi laki lau hidup nak dok rumah expect orang tanggung. Agak-agak urh, dah dok rumah orang, tompang lagi... pandai-pandai lah. Takkan tuh orang nak ajar?!" - me
"Yang kau nak bebual pasal laki aku skrg asal? Kau baik sgt? Kau sendiri mcm pompuan sundal!" - Nani.
Right when she finished her sentence, my boyfriend slapped her soo hard that she fell on the floor. My boyfriend was shouting to her something like
'Kau mmg dah kurang ajar. Kau nak kurang ajar ngan aku boleh tapi kalau kau kurang ajar ngan pompuan aku, aku tk terima. Or something like kurang ajar, Mak ngan Abah tk pernah ajar kau cakap ngan orang mcm gitu.' Memang padan urh ngan muke de kena sepak. Feeling very simpati gitu, i went to her and wanted to help her stand up.
But i think she's very ego, she spitted at my hand which i ended up walking away. I tried regaining myself. All i said to myself was that 'i cannot turn into a bitch with her, calm down', i repeated myself dalam hati so many times.
So yeah, despite being told to go and find work. The Mat AWOL still didn't find any job.
The reasons: Takde IC mcm mane nak kerja. TAU PON! pergi lah surrender at least ader monthly salary coming in seh.
So tell me, is the Mat AWOL lazy or because he tengah AWOL making it sooooooooo hard to find a job.
and about the Nani, Why i wanted to tell the story? Bcoz she doesn't appreciate her own brother and she even stole my boyfriend and mine savings. She's an asshole.
If you were to ask me what happen till date:
She managed to make Mak kicked my boyfriend out from the house, standard urh cucuk2. and make Mak rent the house out and she gets the money. coz Mak have a house in Johor, Mak is living there.
She is not with the Mat AWOL anymore, Kate dah nikah kan? Cerai pon tak? And sampai sekarang the Surat Nikah tak pernah nampak, dasar kan penipu! and she is now with a Mat who is PAK SANGGUP wanting to take care of her and her daughter who looks like the Mat AWOL, so please eh.
but thats the fact. Not everyone live life on a bed of roses.
Labels: AWOL, khawin no cert, Mat sengkek, ROM, Ustaz German
Mat i gatal sangat!
Nie pulak case pasal Mat de gatal sangat. Hamba chop chili chop lu nyer bird-bird nak?! Teruk betol lah nie Mat. Macam Pelahap tau. Kesian girlfriend kite yang satu nie.
From: ______________________
Sent: 26 January 2010 12: 19PM
The Mat i'm gonna talk about is my ex whom i really loved back then. I stared to get to know him around mid 2006 and i admit i was going gugu gaga over him(cute lah orgnye katekan. Puteh melepak pulak tu). At first,he got my MSN from my friendster account back then and started to chat with me.
My impression of him was he's extremely cute,sincere,faithful and all the good things you can think of lah eh. I don't know what in the blue hell i was thinking back then but yeah that's the truth. So we exchanged numbers and got to know each other deeper through text messages and phone calls but we tak pernah jumpe AT ALL. Contact punye contact skali we lost contact for almost 2 years since that time kite dua masing2 dah ade balak sendiri.
But at the midst of being with our own significant other,we still kept special feelings for each other(
Thats how i felt towards him lah and he claimed to feel the same way as i do. Padehal kite tak pernah jumpe eh).
And we finally met each other on March 2008. Tu case mcm dah break ngn mataer masing2 trs contact balek. And after a few meet ups,we went officially together and i was on top of the world. I was on top of the world till i was really blinded and
gave him my 101% of trust. (Bukan 100% eh 101% tau). Like i said earlier,my impression of him was that he's faithful. He also claimed that during that 2 years kite tak contact,he was waiting for me. That was effing touching lah eh smpi jatuh aku. So yada yada kite mataer sume skali one day he said to me die nak jumpe ex-gf die yang recent punye.
Mat: B,i nak jumpe ex i boleh?
Me:Sape? For what purpose?
Mat:*mentions her name* Jumpe je ah. As friends aje lah. Janji no hanky-panky.
(Die kasi aku satu innocent shit nye senyum abeh aku peh bengap gi caye die and allowed him to meet his ex-gf).
And so he went to meet this ex of his the next day. I didn't mind because like i said,i gave him my 101% trust. Then skali lepas die jumpe ex die,he went to meet me. Yes,i'd be lying if i say i wasn't insecure
(Aku kat umah jalan kehulur-kehilir tgh fikir yang bukan2 die mane nak amek tau). Due to that,i went to check his inbox messages while he went to buy his ciggs.
From Mat to Ex-gf: You,you nak jumpe mane? My girl dah kasi green light.
From Ex-gf to Mat: Eh? Wah baek hati jugak eh your girl. Kite jumpe kat Tanah Merah.
From Mat to Ex-gf: Tu yang best nye psl die. I really miss you. Btw kan you,bile kite jumpe i nak kiss boleh?
(k this part aku dah panassssssss)
From Ex-gf To Mat: But your girl how? Jgn ckp kiss,you nak hug and sewaktu dgnnye pon boleh!
I didn't read the whole conversation psl tu Mat dah dtg balek. So aku yang si bengap nie just follow the flow and tak confront die psl tu message. Reason?
SAYANG PUNYE PSL AND TAKOT KEHILANGAN DIE. I lived with it and months later,he told me something about what his friend,Boi(not real name),asked him to do.
(Kirekan member die si Boi nie mcm mintak favour ah).
Mat: B,you tau Boi suroh i kenal2 ngn ni pompan. Name die Sepet(not real name).
Me: Huh? Sape sia Sepet? Buat ape? He knows that you're together with me what?
Mat: Ni pompan Boi nye adek angkat ah. Yelah. Tapi Boi suroh i kenal2 ngn ni Sepet psl ni Sepet die suke angkat gam tau. Abeh Boi suroh i kenal2 ngn die stakat nak ubahkan die je lah.
Me: Ah k.
Yes,i blindly approved it but as you can see from my tone,i was reluctant. So die happy lah gi kenal2 ngn tu minah gam. But after sometime,i smell something fishy. Die declare yang ni stakat nak ubahkan si Sepet ni kan? But i can sense that they're getting way too serious already. What i did was,i just sent him a long text message about breaking up.
And i just gave him a reason like I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM(
Padehal2. Kau tu confident tak tau yang aku dah tau sume lobang kau!). So die frus tonggek for i-don't-know-how-long and we contact as friends only.
Skali SAPPPPPP! Die mataer ngn tu Sepet. In my heart i was like 'yeah right asshole byk kau punye nak ubahkan die. Makin terok je aku tgk.
Ngn kau2 skali angkat gam ngn tu pompan!' But they broke up a month later and to my stupidity,aku gi patch ngn ni Mat. Yup we patched for almost 3 months until one fine day,he didn't contact me for two solid days. After that two days,he sent me a text message saying 'hey. i think we should go on our separate ways at the moment. I'm having lots of problems now and i need to be alone. Don't worry,i'll come back to you. I love you.' Due to my huge ego,i just agreed to it and react as if it was nothing but deep inside i'm like a volcano ready to explode.
After that break up,i got close to his friend yang Boi ni. Out of curiousity,i asked him about that Sepet when we met up for lunch. And guess what?!?!?! For the love of god si Boi ni tak pernah suroh this Mat go and kenal2 with this Sepet. See,i knew Boi won't do this kind of thing. From what i know,this Boi is very honest and he's nothing like a backstabber or anything close to that. And i got to know one more thing. Recently that Mat asked for a break up due to him facing some problems right?
Dpt tau die kenal2 ngn this girl from the same ITE as him and dumped me just for that slut. From then onwards,i hated this Mat(till now) so much and i will never find it in my heart to forgive him. I gave him all my love and affection and this is what i get in return? What happened to the things that we went through all these years? Sigh. Up till now,i never go easy on guys.
Yes,i've moved on and already have a new boyfriend but guess what ladies? That Mat is still bothering me nak mintak kesian all. He said he menyesal but hahaha too late asshole.
So ladies,don't ever give your 100% trust to your boyfriend. They might just cheat on you right in your face. Alright till here. Toodles!
so yeah, marah sungguh reader kite yang satu nie. But i feel her. She's not a fault her eventhough she patched up with him quite a few times. Yerlah people believe in second chances and all, but some people in this world just can't appreciate them.
This Mat, in my opinion, can't live without a girl. That is why whenever his relationship failed on him, he turn back to our girlfriend here. That is why i kinda agree with her when she said this Mat is Pelahap.
Relax urh wei, lu nak main gitu semua, tkde care, DOH! *step cite Bohsia sikit* . hahaha
XOXOLabels: bird bird, chop chilli chop, Gatal, readers
Dah shoot tak nak tanggung.
Since i am v free right now, i decided to open up email. Well, i got 6 v amazing stories and hamba ni tak tau nak choose sape. Conpused Senah. hehe.
I open up this readers entry where she emailed to me and was in an attachment form. At first, i wanted to open it last lah kan, sekali i read the title of the story, mcm best and guess what, this lady who wrote to me this particular entry got me hooked to every single sentence.
& to you who wrote to me this email, I salute you. Hats off for your courage. I seriously appreciate your inner strenght to go through everything and overcome everysingle odds infront of you.
Sent: 26 January 2010 15: 31PM
This story is actually about MAT’s yang pandai buat anak, tapi tanak tanggong. It happens to me.
I’ve known xx since 2007. We work in the same retail line except that we work at different outlet. At that point of time he’s attached to zz. Im attached as well. All the staff knows about xx and zz. Well, I wasn’t that into xx at that point of time. We never even talk to each other. Tanak pandang pon muke dia. Well, matair org oi, tkkan lah aku nak kacau kan. Due to some reasons, I’ve quited my job. in 2008.
We bumped to each other when I was working at ____ , the same shopping centre where he worked at. Yeah, he still work at that current brand that I used to work before.
XX was like looking at me n say
“ Hey,dah lama tak Nampak? U keje dekat this shopping center ni ke? Kite ex change number nak? I tgh rushing ni, bile free we can smoke together”.
At that point of time, I wasn’t thinking anything. No harm ex-changing number kan.
Setakat break time we can smoke together. We did ex change msgs, but never have the time to smoke together.
Until one day when I was at work, he called me up and says
“ U at work ekh? I pick u up boleh? I off lah nari. Since we have no time to smoke together bile keje, let me pick u up from work lah. I drive lah. Lagi pon I boring dekat rumah ni”..
So yeah, he pick me up. We chat at chill. I did ask her about zz. Yeah , they are still together but was on the rocks. I couldn’t care much as I myself was attached at that point of time. After that night, we are very close. That’s when one day he finally broke off with zz. Seriously, I fell so comfortable being with him. He knows im attached. Then one day, I broke up with my current bf due to some reason. Since me n xx were single, we both give it a try to be together.
Dah macam laki bini. He pick me up and send me off to work since we work in the same shopping center. We took the same off day together. He even bawa I jumpe his parents. N yes, we make love. Not only once, but a few tymes. Bukan lepas luar, tapi lepas dalam. I did ask him
“B, kalau I sanggkot macam mane?” He simply reply and say
“ I will be a good dad, n of coz I akan tanggong”.. I dint think much at that point of time because, I know he could not run, coz I know where he stay n I’ve already met his parents.. We continue making love n not once did he lepas luar.
We were like totally in love with each other. Until one day, things turn sour, I’ve caught him contacting back with zz.
Hati aku amat sakit!!!! He told me that he love both me n zz. I was like
WHAT THE HELL??!!! Ape kau bebual ni??? I’ve decided to let him go and be with zz. We split for almost a week, and he came back to me.
Saying that he cant forget me and cant let me go.. I cant be with him, coz he cant be trusted. We both moved on with our life.
Then one day, I’ve missed my period. I don’t have a regular mensus circle. I totally panicked. I went to buy 3 pregnancy kit. All three of then
POSITIVE. I’ve quickly contacted him and tell me lots of excuses. I ask him to meet me up,
Beribu alasan dia bagi aku. “ I kene halau rumah lah, I dah kene buang ke lah, I tengah have financial problem” He doesn’t seem to care.
Wei, aku ajak kau jumpe setakat nak bebual pasal ni anak dalam perot aku. At least bagi aku solution macam mane aku nak bilang parents aku. Last resort, I went to his work place, and I was told that he have already resigned. I fell so lost. Last resort I went to a private doc to check.
I was 4 months pregnant. At that point of tyme,
otak aku ingat nak abort aje.. Parents aku tahu, mati aku. Tapi bile doc bilang yang baby dekat dalam perot aku itu dah cukup sifat, aku tak sampai hati nak bunuh anak aku sendiri. Yes, I’ve decided to keep the baby.
My parents know about it n we went to his house. Both our parents talk. I fell like killing him the moment I saw his face. Banyak kau punye kene halau rumah.
He have the guts to say
“Itu betol tak betol anak aku? Nta kau main dengan laki mane nta, abeh kau kata itu anak aku.Kau kan banyak jantan. Dah lame kita putus abeh kau kata itu anak aku”
Aku punye lah bingit.. I answer back
“ Kau fikir aku bodoh pe!! Tak kan aku tak tahu jantan mane aku main. Last aku main dengan kau. Last kau yang lepas dalam”
We started to argue infront of our parents.
Bebual tak beralas punye. Our parents final decision was to check DNA. I’ve told my parent not to waste their money.
Aku berani buat, aku berani tanggong. Biar anak aku besar takda bapak. That few months of struggling alone during my pregnancy really makes me give up on my life.Aku pulak kene retrenched at that point of time. Sampai utang kawan just to go for check-up and beli baby’s stuff.
But thanks to my family and frens that have been there for me, I’ve gave birth to a healthy boy on July 2009. Yes, xx knows that I gave birth already. I know he have been viewing me in tagged. Well, u have the guts to buat anak, tapi tanak tanggong.
Ada hati nak view, tapi takda hati jumpe and tegok anak kau. Aku tanak ape-ape pon dari kau, cume aku nak kau ingat kau kau tu dah bapak prang. At least have the brains to meet ur son. It pon kalau kau fikir itu anak kau.
Nak check DNA konon. My fault for trusting him so much.
Ladies, if u’re making love,
tolong lah jangan lepas dalam. Yes, he may say that he wanna tanggong but remember He might just dumped u anytime. By the tyme u realized that u’re pregnant, its too late. Dnt be like me. Having and raising a baby its not easy.
XOXOLabels: lepas dalam, mat jahat, not virgin, shoot, Tak tanggung, tk kesian
Mat: I je yang betol.
Have you ever been with a Mat who thinks he is always right... a "know it all?" -
macam Mat ni sorang je yang pandai, orang lain tak.
Mat(s) that wants their say on every topic including yourself? Like what you wear to work etc.
Mat(s) who are the experts on everything and anything?
Not only are they not fun to be around but they are also not your relationship-material Mat.
There is nothing more irritating than a Mat who won't listen to another side of a story, A Mat who doesnt see the world differently at certain time.
Gosh these kinds of Mat(s) are such a pain in my ass and yours.
These Mat(s) can't handle the idea that they are not right, or that someone else may know more than do they.
These Mat(s) live in a black and white world where they are right and those who disagree are wrong.
Macam dieorang je yang hidup and they je yang pandai.. Mintak kena siku-7 je.
These kind of Mat(s) will not open their minds to looking at life in new ways, nor will they even consider the possibility that they could improve in some ways.
These Mat(s) will never offer a sincere apology, will never admit they are wrong, and will never allow others to see a vulnerable side of themselves.
If you want a good relationship, realise that the 'Mat' are open and they are comfortable with not knowing every answer to every question.
Doesn't mean that you don't know answers to every questions on the earth means that you are stupid.
They have opinions, even strong ones but they can listen to others and understand. They can agree or disagree. 'The Mat' know the world is filled with all sorts of people. Perangai bukan-bukan; and all of us know that by hard.
If you are looking for a Mat, find a Mat who can listen to others and respects YOUR opinion even if you disagree!
XOXOLabels: aku power, betol, Mat au au, puhlease
Kawan Makan Kawan.
This topic is with truly from experience. I seriously hate this bitch ever since. She's a whore and mother of all bitches. A true friend would never ever do this to anyone of you. So if you are reading this post, please read it will you fullness interest and imagination to imagine how it is like being me.
This story happen about a year ago. I just started work in one of the government hospital. It was very mundane at first. After about a month working there a new batch of girls came in and I made friend with one of this girl named Sarah (not her real name).
Sarah was a great friend whom I should say
‘kaki-gerek’. Having to work with her is like having a very shift considered done. Appearance wise Sarah portray to have this
‘minah like look with the horrible eyebrows’.
At that present moment, I was dating this Mat named Danial (not his real name). We got to know each other through Tagged and he started to contact each other and started dating. Our first outing was to Marina Square,
feeling kau ingat balik! We dated for a few months before things started to turn sour.
One very fine day, Danial and I went clubbing when Sarah decided to tag along with us. I wasn’t even minding this matter. When we were on the dance floor, I swear to god that Sarah was all over Danial and it really pissed the shit out of me.
When I came to work the next day, I told a friend of mine what I was feeling about Sarah at the particular moment. So my friend told me,
“pegilah cakap ngan de. It’s for your own good” – and so I did. I remembered vividly that she told me this sentence which ended up she turned her back against her very own words.
“Please lah girl, Aku tak date budak police, NS lagi.”
So, I choose to trust her. We went out for clubbing a few times. Every time that I go clubbing with Danial, Sarah will confirm flirt with him on the dance floor. And the very last moment was that we had a group outing and that is when god wants to show me a true friend she is like.
Something happened to me and Sarah took all the opportunity of it. She started spreading rumours about me being engage with someone else and still dating with Danial. Danial whom was already weaken by my lost (I did mention something happen to me right), got very close with Sarah and they end up being ‘mutual friends’.
It was about 1 month later when I found out everything. She messaged me every single day and asked me the same question –
“kau masih sayangkan Danial?” A first I said
‘YES’ but after a few times she repeated that question to me, I got pissed off and told her that
And that was when she confessed to me that she was dating Danial when something had happen to me. She said she had to tell me bcoz she respected me as a friend and already treated me as part of her family. And of course it was all bullshit!
I started bombarding her with questions such as “
Kalau kau respect aku as kawan kau, Asal kau buat aku gini? Lau betol kau nak Danial, Bilang lah aku boleh kasi tapi sampai kau nk kena jatuh kan maruah aku, tuh name de tkde cara.” Tuh part, aku peh minah pon datang lah. Puki, sape tak sort siak. Perangai sundal kan?
“dah tkda jantan lain per siak, sampai kawan kau punye pon kau nak kebas? Agak-agak lah siak, kau kate nie macam kawan?” – she didn’t even reply to all those messages that I gave her.
I called her umpteen times and nope she didn’t even dare to pick them up.
“Eh pompuan, aku call jawab lah sial, jangan sampai aku gegar tempat kerja kau. Name je kening mcm minah-minah tapi kental. Orang call tk tau nak jawab. Kau jangan cabar aku. Aku dah trip nak mampos kau tau ngan kau!”
Sumpah at the moment all I wanted to do is strangle her to death.
Sumbat cili padi at her mouth. And so I decided to call Danial up and asked him why did he do this to me when he knows that she’s my friend.
He said he couldn’t answer me and I hang up the phone.
I rest the case. I choose to ignore everything around me. I deleted Sarah off my Facebook and Danial off my Tagged account. I just wanna put everything behind.
A few months later, I found out that things didn’t work out between Sarah and Danial. Danial is currently dating a new girl (thank god!) and I also did found out that Sarah offered Danial pangkeng in order to make Danial trust her.
Danial also thought that she was fucking good in bed and he rated him 9 out of 10. Dasar minah kan, obviously lah good on bed!
Omg, my jaw just drop. I was lucky to had met with something and god showed me what Sarah true colours was like.
And for the Mat,
I am still befriending with him but nothing more as an online friend. Gosh i didn't believe i just told you readers one of my worst experience ever.
Believe it or not, i didn't forgive Sarah for what she did to me. Never will.
XOXO.Labels: bitch, Girlfriends, kawan makan kawan, no trust, sisters
Mat who doesnt get over the EX GF. urghhhhh!!
Due to overwhelming request on this topic, I would like to share with you readers about Mat(s) who just can’t get over their ex girlfriend. Okay current girlfriend... do you job...
Okay, this topic might be very sensitive for some of you, but some of you might want to reflect why should you be worried too much, it is called ‘ex’ anyway.
First thing first, you can do a check on your Mat.
Do note this following sign and you will for sure know that your Mat is still not over his ex girlfriend.
Elehh, macam jambu sangat je tuh pompuan. Hehehe
The Mat still brings her up...regardless of how you try to divert the conversation.
- Your Mat still have too much memories between the both of them so he just could not shut his mouth. The Mat wants to share these moments of happiness of his to make you aware that he was better off with her than you. Or when you choose to stop the conversation by opening a new topic, he will go like this ‘Eh, tukar topic Nampak? Jealous eh?” and despite just saying that freaking sentence, your mat continued the topic like suke hati ex-gf die je. Hehe.
The Mat talks negatively about her
- For those whom your Mats always wanting to condemn the ex girlfriend, please don’t sit on the sofa to comfortably yet. This is one major factor that you might want to consider. All you will ever hear from your Mat is all the negatives facts on the ex girlfriend. Perangai macam pompuan sundal je, jangan bebual pasal de urh. Muke pecah step hot, Biar urh, tak heran urh, bekas orang geli aku. These comments might sound hurtful but maybe your Mat is actually missing the exgf badly. Aiyooooohhhh Tak taooo~
The Mat compares you to her
- It can go two ways. It’s either he thinks that you are wayyyyyyy better than the exgf or he might compare you to the so angelic exgf. Kalau baik sangat asal exgf kan?! Nie obviously korang tau lah macam mane kan? Usually the sentence will end up like, “you nie tak macam my ex lah, tak best”. You feel me people?
The Mat says he's not over her...
- Okay if you Mat says this sentence to you. Do TypicalMATsays a v big favour, Dump his for god sake. Thank you (:
From my very own experience, I’ve encountered these kinds of Mats quite a few times. It was like two years ago when this Mat whom I was dating cum getting into a relationship with him keeps on talking to me about his exgf.
At first he was very much reluctant to share his story with me, But after a while this Mat keep on telling me stories about his exgf. Obviously by that time,
telinga aku dah naik berbulu okay!! Like hello, you are dating me and you are still thinking about her?
This Mat tells me that his mum loves his exgf a lot. Every year, time preparing for Hari Raya, she will come his house and bake cookies with his mum.
(Tuh part aku dah feel threaten.) This Mat also tells me that how his exgf always never fails to pick up his phone calls unlike me. A lot of other things that just hurt the fuck out of me.
This exgf of his is working at CDC. So this Mat will repeat and repeat how he caught his exgf playing timmer with him. Blablabla. It's horrible.
Mat nie macam takde life gitu lah. Exgf de kalau lawa sangat takpe lah, average looking jer.
I end up leaving that Mat. But with no good reason? Just because he can’t get over his exgf. Or should I say I wasn’t strong enough to compete and make him forget his exgf. Who cares? well, I don't.
XOXOLabels: ex gf, gf, jealous, mat sawan, over her, scream
Hey i am attached but single?
Hello beautiful and handsome readers, sorry lah never update for quite sometime. I was busy with a lot of things.. Work, My family, my friends, and of
course lah kan, gaji dah masok tuh yang i busy sgt, heh.. Shopping (:
Wow, i didn't expect you guys really do come everyday to typicalMATsays and wanting me to keep updating this blog, like 2 post a day?
alahai, kasi lah hamba chance, hamba kerja tao. ok. But i promise you people on thing, i'll update as often as possible.
Anyway, today post is written by one of our readers who wants to share with you beautiful people out there about this Mat.
(jgn nak senyum eh mat-mat yang tengah bace)
From: __________________________
Sent: 22 January 2010 17: 35PM
Hello there! I wanna share my experience with all of the readers out there. This is about my own friend, whom i have known him for about a month plus. Yes, i know our friendship isnt that long, but many things had happened throughout our one month friendship.
I remembered clearly. I get to know my friend at Tagged and this happened on 18 December, which is just a month ago. From Tagged, we chatted over at MSN, and after MSN, we exchanged number with each other so we can keep in touch. At first, this friend of mine turns out to be sweet,
and he gave me lots of advices cause at that point of time, my ex just dumped me. Ala, nie semue standard. Baru kenal mestilah sweet kn? Mane ade org baru kenal terus nk tunjuk perangai tk perlu dorang?
Few days after that, he told that he wanna meet up with me. I agreed and we meet over at Jurong at night cause i need to attend my friend's rewang first before meeting him. Our first meeting was describe-less, cause when i first met him, he was drunk. He told me to chill over at his place, but i choose not to cause i was afraid he might do something funny to me since he was drunk. I asked him to chill over at my area instead and he agreed. So, we chilled, shared stories (mostly about his life), and went home only the next day. Througout our conversation, dia ada sound i jadi girlfriend dia.
Dia ckp yg ex i tk deserve i and dia ada janji i yg dia akan jage i. I just ignore him cause i thought he wasnt aware of what he's saying since he's drunk.
We started to get close and we started going out together. At first, i tktau yg
dia nie those flirtish type of guys cause mula2 i kenal dia, dia cakap i tkkn pandang lelaki mcm dia psl dia tkde rupa. So, i thought he was like those guys who dont go for looks or those type who doesnt flirts. Time i slalu jumpa dia, he will always keep himself busy messaging i dont know who. If i asked, he says it was his guyfriend. Takkan message lelaki sampai banyak gitu? Until one day, i viewed back his Tagged and i browsed through his pictures, and i saw one picture (a girl kissing his cheek), and his Tagged status was Married. I looked through his comments, and this girl who looks exactly like the girl on the picture, send him a love song. Then, i realised something. He just added this girl after he added me and tk sampai sebulan dorang kenal, dorang da attached. Cause i still remember, when he first added me, i send him a Tag and he has only 2 or 3 comments, but none of those comments were from that girl.
Maybe da jodoh dorang. Tk sampai sebulan kenal da go steady. I text my friend cause i thought i wanna say congrats to him. But instead, he deny the fact that he's attached and he created different stories. He told me that the girl was his 'ex' and the 'Married' status was only for fun. Bile dia ckp gitu, i terigt yg dia pernah ckp yg dia da setahun lebih single. I asked him about him being single for about a year and why now put that picture, he told me yg dia rindukn ex dia and that was only for fun. He told me that if i regard him as my friend, i have to believe him and trust him. Which i did not do so. Yelah, org yg kurang pandai jer akan percaya bile dia da nampak dgn mata kepala dia sendiri. I decided to konon nye percayakn dia, and i wanted to see how long he can play this game with me.
Few days after that, i received a call from him. He really spoiled my mood cause i was out shopping on that day. So, i took this chance and i asked him again. After giving him much pressure, i raised my voice sampai org semue tengok, baru dia mengaku. I tanya dia kenape dia buat i mcm gitu, and dia ckp dia tknk sakitkn hati i. Kenape dia takut nk bilang i the truth sedangkn i nie cume kwn dia? Bukannye i nie girlfriend dia. Bila dia mengaku, i mcm kesiankn girlfriend dia. Da attached tapi masih mengaku single dgn org lain. I have the thinking of this is between him and his girlfriend, so i eventually ignored everything.
Lepas da lame dia tk contact i, tibe2 dia text i. I tanya dia pasal girlfriend dia, and dia bilang i yg dorang da break. Im shocked. Why the sudden break up? And he told me yg girlfriend dia tk tahan dgn perangai dia yg mcm s@#%. I cuma ketawakn dia and i told him he really deserve that cause that is what he gets for flirting around. But in the same time, i kinda pity him cause he sound so disappointed. I cheered him up and i told him that i will meet him to talk things out with him. So we met at his place, cause he just came back from camp, and chilled at his house. Bile tgh chill tu, i tanya dia face to face cause i believed that its easier to communicate in face to face situation cause by that way, i can only know whether he's lying or not. Tapi bila i berbual dgn dia, no chances that he's lying to me. So i take that as he's not lying to me.
After chilling at his house, we decided to go Town since it was so boring slacking at his place. Time dekat Town tu, kite ada mkn dkt Burger King. Dia ada berkenan dgn satu Minah keje situ. Time tgh nk mkn, dia asyik tengokkn tu Minah. Dari main mata, dorang main senyum2. I pn irritated sampai i ckp kalau da berkenan i blh mintakkn. Dia cabar i mintakkn number Minah tu cause dia igtkkn i tk berani, and i pun mintak. I know this sounds stupid, but since he just broke off, why not? Lepas makan, he sent me home and throughout the journey in the bus, i sengaja testing dia. I tanya dia kenape dia tknk matair dgn i, and dia ckp yg dia blm ready and takut dia tkde time untuk i. Dia ckp yg dia takut i tkle tahan dgn perangai dia mcm 'ex' dia tu. Dalam hati i, dia ckp dia blm ready tapi tk sampai sebulan kenal dgn 'ex' dia, dorang da matair. I pun buat bodoh and just berbual macam biasa dgn dia.
Until yesterday, 20th January 2010. I just finished texting with him cause i told him i just found myself a job and planning to go out with him during his birthday since his birthday was around the corner. Dia ckp dgn i yg dia demam and dia nk tido. I pulak nk tido tapi tkle tido. So, i went online and started to blog-hopping until i ended up with someone's blog (it was a girl). Since i was bored, i read her post cause to me its all interesting and i came across my friend at one of her post. Rupe2nye, i tgh bace blog yg the girl yg i nampak dkt Tagged my friend tu. They are still together and i got to know its gonna be their first monthsary in a few more days. Im utterly disappointed with my friend. He dared lying to me for more than once because of his status. This is what i get after regarding him as my good friend. I straight away text him on the night itself telling him how disappointed i am with him. I waited for his reply and until today, dia tk reply. I bilang dia yg i da tau the truth and there's no way dia blh tipu i lagi pasal i da bace blog girlfriend dia. I mcm ada hati nk bilang girlfriend dia tapi i tknk pulak psl nie dorang gaduh. Lagi2 i tau girlfriend dia tu sakit and nk kena go for an operation. Nampak sangat my friend nie da takut sebab tu dia tk reply my message.
I knew my friend's girlfriend is a reader of ur blog. But i dont have the intention of comdenming her or her boyfriend down. I just wanna share my experience with all the readers of ur blog so that they can be much more aware of this kind of Mats in the future, or if they are in contact with any of this kind of Mats now. I really hope that u will published my story cause i dont want more girls to be any of this kind of Mats victim or end up like me.
Awwwww. i feel this girl. I seriously wanted to publish her story earlier but yeah, im sorry darling but at least your story did get published in TypicalMATsays right?
To all you handsome and beautiful readers out there, please feel me right now. Lying about your status won't bring you any good. In fact it brings chaos and a lot of turmoil in feelings. I mean if you are attached and declare yourself as single are you telling us that you are ashamed that you are in a relationship or is your girlfriend or your Mat is toooooooooooooooooooo ugly to be your partner?
So please eh, time lambat lah sayang oi nak timmer.
XOXOLabels: Attached, kenal-kenal, single, tak nak kenal
Ade pergi Ade balik.
Nowadays we've been seeing this
'ade pergi ader balik' concept too often. I'm referring to the Mat(s) who rides. Be it the 2B bikes or 2A Bikes. I’m not categorizing every single Mat who rides the same but the minority whom does really suck the hell out of me. Annoying siaaaaaaaaaaa
These Mat(s) thinks that they can get everything under the sun especially girls when they ride a bike.
Mak aii, ader tuh muke pecah takpe tao, janji ader motor pompuan nak. Okay nie case kan, tak leh salah kan Mat je lah, kadang-kadang some of you all ni gatal nak Mat yang ader motor je. Mat takde motor mcm boring.
Yang some of you all ni think that this kind of Mat mcm best lah konon-konon. Yerlah you know, they can fetch and send you home faster. Go ghost hunting with you all.
Mcm plus point gitu.
But on the other hand, have you thought why these Mats are willing enough to send you to and fro? That’s when the concept of
‘ade pergi ader balik’ will come to place. HAHHHHH! Ni lah topic kite today.
I’m talking from experience.
Like seriously, I’ve come across a lot of Mat who thinks that they can get everything out of girls when they ride a bike.
Okay, I’m not supposed to say this because this Mat whom I am going to tell you guys about is my very own friend. I’m not saying this because nak bastard him, no, I think this story would be a good learning point for every single one of you out there.
This Mat he rides super4. He is just like any normal guys out there who doesn’t play cutting or whatsoever not. Something about this Mat I don’t like is that he thinks that he can get every single girl that he wants because he has a super4.
Mcm cb.
This Mat is already attached to a very wonderful girl who is blessed with a lot of patience and love for him. Yet still, he is still very blinded by lust and still flirt around with another girl. I remember one night; I went to meet up with this Mat at Labrador Park with a group of our friends when this Mat came down with this girl who is not his girlfriend.
I was soooooooooooo shocked and a little dissapointed. Nothing could express my feelings.
(part tuh mcm nak balik je tao tak!) I went down to meet him and the rest of my friend because I was expecting this Mat girlfriend to be around. I am v close with his girlfriend so we usually have a lot of things to talk about. Sekali he brought along this girl whom is like v ugly, sorry to say, at least to me.
I asked this Mat.
“Oi, mane pompuan kau”-me
“Tk bawa lah, Ni ____, scandal aku.”- Mat (giving me this kerang busuk smile)
“Sawan, nie pompuan tinggal mane?”- Me
“Tinggal Bukit Panjang urh, daerah segar.” – Mat
“Oh, minah eh. Ape taste kau nie. Pompuan kau tuh dah baik mcm gitu pon kau perangai besar peh taik eh. Kena aku siang siang aku tinggalkan kau tao.” – Me
“Minah janji dapat oii. Sekali tepuk... PAP! Bunyi.” – Mat
“Ishk! Geli eh. Kau ni ade ape sampai de nak sangat ngan kau?”- Me
“Aku ader super4. Eh standard urh, ader pergi ader balik. Takkan per-per je aku hantar de mane-mane kan?” – Mat.
Sumpah aku dumbstruck at that moment. Aku tak tao ape nak cakap. Is my Mat friend just sakit adik or is that girl too cheap to give him everything? At that moment I just choose not to talk to the girl whom this Mat friend of mine brought along with him.
I respected his view and i didn't even tell his girlfriend about that night. But eventually his girlfriend found out that this Mat was having affair behind her back (like again) and believe it or not, his girlfriend wasn't shocked and was expecting to have a scandal because she told me that this Mat been acting very strangely with her since 1 month ago. So yeah, i didn't believe that this Mat friend of mine can do such thing to his girlfriend whom i say
'untung lau dapat buat bini. Tak menyesal.'
So tell me, just because you have bike and you send a girl to and fro does that means you can get everything the girl have especially her self-respect or is it the girl who doesn’t have self-respect for herself?
Besides that, I have a lot of my girlfriend who thinks that Mat with bikes is better off from those who don’t. Mats with bikes are not necessarily bad, but sometimes it is the concept that they have in mind makes me feel so disgusted with some of them.
In this case, I seriously don’t blame the Mat or the girls. It all depends on the situation.
Tip from TypicalMATsays: ADER PERGI ADER BALIK, just remember that if you think that the Mat whom you are dating with rides a bike and starts to act very fishy when he is with you.
XOXOLabels: ader motor, hot mat, lepak, mat ader motor, mat motor, super4
Ask the Mat to shut the mouth.
Name calling (?) is never appropriate in a relationship.
Of course lah kan kalau you guys call you Mat tuh baby, sayang, ayang, babylove, sugar, spice to express love is great... TypicalMATsays talking about the rude, disrespectful name calling yang kite often see in abusive relationships.
We all know name calling in a relationship is a sign of immaturity. Duuhhhh! It reminds us of time korang semua maseh anak abu abeh kacau org time recess when you didn't get things done your way. Most adults have left this silliness long ago. But not everyone!
Aside from the very immaturity of it all, it is very hurtful. One can't undo what one says. Dah bebual mane boleh liquid-liquid kan? Ingat exam? Words can hurt and name calling, often occurring during times of anger can hurt deeply. First you thought it might be a joking matter matter. But when your Mat uses it too often that might eventually hurt your feelings.
Name calling in a relationship is a reflection of the disrespect one feels for each other. So if a Mat is calling you names you know he does not respect you. (tuh name nye jantan si__)
Name calling often is a sign of a Mat needing to feel dominant and strong. That is what i truely feel. If the Mat puts you down enough he will feel better about himself. Mat with their Ego means Monster :(
If the Mat can get you to feel worthless, he will feel more powerful. The worse you feel about yourself the more he feels in control of you. You get the cycle tak?
So if your Mat start calling you pompuan sundal, eh sial, oi bodoh too frequently... maybe you should check on yourself first before doing anything. Why? If you just keep your mouth shut and not wanting to voice out. You are the one who is encouraging your Mat to call you such.
& you all do know that it is never appropriate.
Labels: scream, shit, shout no use, shut the mouth, slap
Mat Khawin-Khawin
Easy said than done i suppose. TypicalMATsays today wanna talk about something more interesting, alaaaah pasal mat khawin-khawin.
Time sekarang ni kan, most of the Mats here living in Singapore have a mindset of having a stable job then they wanna start to settle down. So most of them will settle down by the age of 25 and above, at least.
What if you are with this Mat and he is already having the mindset of wanting to settle down, do you wanna turn him down and leave him. OR choose to marry this Mat khawin-khawin.
I know its very weird to see Mat Khawin-khawin coz usually it is the ladies who will pester (actually no lah, parents the ladies side) them to settle down as early as possible. Now what will you do if the situation is turn upside down??
"You kite settle down nak? - Mat.
"Eh, siang nyer? Tk nak lah.. nak buat ape?" -you.
"Alaaaah, my parents suruh i settle down cepat lah. Tkde pon we tunang dulu"- Mat
"erk, kasi i think dulu"-you.
So today, TypicalMATsays will give you some tips on Mat Khawin-Khawin.
1) Decide if you love him or the idea of marriage. Most of us ni kan gatal, time kecik kecik dah imagine mcm mane nanti you nak look like when you khawin. so...If the wedding details excite you more than spending the rest of your life with your Mat, you are not ready to get married.
2) Look at how Mat treats you in front of your family and friends.
3) Look at how he treats you in front of your family and friends. Compare that with how he treats you in front of his family and friends. If there is a difference between how he treats you when he wants to impress than how he treats you when he is comfortable, realize that this is a warning sign.
4) The main important thing is that your Mat isn't
kaki pukol. If he is, then don't bother to marry your Mat. Eventhough he insist of being the Mat khawin-khawin with you.
5) Ask your Mat if he needs a family?. Discuss the roles that each of you will play in raising the children.
Step larh pikir jauh, nie will help you decide something about your Mat. Lau he is career minded and you are not, dont khawin with this Mat, you will not feel happy.
Hope this will help for those who wanna get married in anytime from now. This will help you run away from those desperate Mat khawin-khawin.
Alaaaaaaaaaaaaah emak, khawin kan aku. Labels: alaaaah emak, habis duit, khawin. kahwin, sanding, sunday bawah blok
What if your Mat is not the Mat you thought he would be?

Well for today i would feature another email from one of the readers of email is bombared with a looooooooooooot of interesting stories from you readers and I have a very good time reading all your emails. I really mean it when i say i read them.
Aku bace abeh bace sorang-sorang, macam happy gitu.I will be writing two post for today. But for now, im featuring this readers email before updating more interesting stories and advices for you guys out there
(its 5.ooam right now, i'll do this just before hitting bed.)I hope everyone here really read this story properly coz it's a unique story and personally i think it is a good learning point for everyone of you out there.
Like i say before. Whatever you see it is what you get. I didn't edit any parts of the story in due respect to the person who wrote this email to me.
So here is the story. Enjjoooyy (:
Send from: ________________________
Sent: 17 January 2010 18: 17PM
Hello readers ,, im js here to share an Awwful experience . tht i played fer a year & 4 month ..yes u heard me right ,,
so basically , during 2008 .
it is gonna be a very complicated story .. so , read carefully aite !
it goes like ths ,,
i known ' him ' from MSN where i dont know how he even got my Email address .
so , we got to know during february 2008 ,
we chit-chat on the net & 'he' decided to give his Hp no ..
so we started Texting ,, but there werent any calls made ,,
our basic communication was js through messages ..
we got 2gather in march 08 . i js accepted him due to th reason tht i really wanted to forget my ex boyfriend ..
for a month , we js contact w each other through sms .
but one day , i asked him to call me .. & he suddenly questioned me .
" u tk kesah ke suare i mcm pompan .? "
i js said i didn't as it was normal for Some guys to have a KEPIT voice .
so he called ,, but surprisingly . his voice wasn't like how u guys expected to be sumhow like Khairul anwars' .
it was even more girlish .. ( & i started to smell something fishy !)
but not telling him how i felt , i js continued our rshp as per normal like some other couple ,,
telling him i love him & stuff , cos i really suspect something is really really wrong !
& moreover , every single time i asked him out , he whud be giving me ALOT of excuses .
ths went on for 3 month ,, ( tell me , which guy wont want to mit his own gf ?)
then ,, one day .
his 'sister' suddenly wanted to meet up w me , saying she wanted to get to know me even deeper ,
so i didnt have much choice but i was Glad to have meet his ' sister '.
we went out to esplanade & she said , tht my 'boyfee' gave her some $ for her to spend on me .
we went to do a little bit of shopping & went to Popeye @ spore flyer .
while eating ..
'sisters' phone rang & she answered it .
what really shocked me was ,, she has ths exactly same voice as my boyfee .
exactly the same , th giggles , th way she talk ..
( i stench smell of fishiness really make me wanna find out )
so , after we ate , we sat @ th F1 track ..
talked & i js kept quiet about what i was thinking .
went home & called 'boyfee' .
thth same girly voice ..!
so it really pissed me off ..
& since 'boyfee' said 'he' is living in hougang .
a block beside my cousins house .
i went to my cousin house & slack ..
i told my cousin how curious i was .. & she asked me to play SPY .
so i did .. & cousin help me out ,, she asked most of her LEPAK friends if they knew any guy name ( so & so)
but NO ONE DOES ! . ( it really creeps me out)
but i still played on th game ..
i met 'boyfee' sister . & we slacked under her block .
& when she went up to take her laptop .
she left her phone on th table . &
( devastating part !)
i read her msges out of curiousity & suspisious , GUESS WHAT I SAW !!!!
everything ! ..
i was devastated but i acted like nothing happen .
all ths while , i was in a rshp w a girl who actually crave for attention .
cousin said , tht this girl is actually from her ex school
so , she played ths game of prank on me js to get someone to entertain her & stuff ..
Labels: a lot, butch, happy, Mat, readers, typicalmat
Reader's post.
Hey lovely darling,
currently i just came back home from a
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv tiring day. I barely slept for 1hr the day before and had to
wake up at 8.30am and head down to Tampines for my friend's daughter cukur
rambot (shave hair in direct translation) Thus i am not
really functioning in the brain. Otak dah shutdown mode.
today, will feature our beloved reader of this blog
right here, right now. chey? Aku kasi korang chance lah take over my
spotlight but for today je or maybe some other days? heh.
story was sent to me through
I didn't
edit any parts of the email, so whatever you see is what you get.
enjoy (:
ALMOST did it with my girlfriend's MAT
From: ____________________________________
Sent: 16 January 2010 19: 02PM
Hey babe. Came across your blog yesterday and thought of sharing my story.
Nak type it out in english tapi macam tak gerek kan. Bebual melayu baru cerita ni best! Haha.
But anyway.. I guess I'm gonna type it out in mixed languages.
Okay so here's my story...
I'm quite close to this girlfriend of mine, XX. She has a boyfriend whom she's been with for about 3 years, I think. Her boyfriend, XY, is kind of flirtatious. He flirts with any girls but wouldn't dare to do it in front of XX. XX, on the other hand, is very possessive over her boyfriend.
So anyway, XX vowed not to have sex before marriage.
And I was like,
"Woah. Never say never. You might do it someday."
"Er...I'm not like you," XX said.
She said that because she knew that I had done it before. Which is not something that I'm proud of. It was a mistake but what's done can't be undone right. I didn't feel offended cause what she said was true. I couldn't argue with her on that matter.
Then...One day, XY called me up and asked me to teach him Maths since O levels was already approaching. I agreed and we went to study at his void deck. Actually, he's been texting me for quite some time. & Aku pun gatal sangat..layankan je la. Cause I secretly had feelings for him at that point of time. So we went out studying for at least two nights in a week near his area. He sent me back home after every study session. Then one night, we made out. I don't know how it happened...But it just happened. I know! I'm such a slut. But yeah, we made make out session. But I didn't exactly feel guilty cause XY & XX already broke up at that time.
After about 4 consecutive days after that incident, (YEAH, I actually counted the days. Damn) XX told me that she had already worked things out between XY & her. To be frank, I was hoping they would never get back together! Their relationship is like any other long-term relationships. Break, patch up again. Break, patch up again. So I thought this time, they would have gone on their separate ways for real!
I wasn't exactly shocked when she told me that they were back together. It was what I had expected but still kept my hopes up. Haha.
So the climax part was when she told me, they had made up and had SEX. I was like, WHAT?!?! WHEN?!?!?! WAS IT YOUR FIRST TIME?!?!
XY: "Aku tau kau confirm terkejut. Aku buat ngan dier da macam a few months back. Tapi baru2 ni, kiter buat lagik. Dier nak...Abeh aku kasi ah. Tapi aku takut ah kalau aku pregnant. Macam maner ni? But I have nothing much to worry about ah. Cause dier cakap dier nye first time ngan aku. Dier tak buat ngan pompan lain. Aku pun kenal kawan2 dier pe. If XX buat kerje belakang aku, confirm dorang bilang aku pe."
Well... guess what babe? That guy had sex before with other girls, without XY's knowledge. Dier sanggup pegi pangkeng sumer ah. Aper nak buat kan. Buah gatal sangat. Aku macam nak sepak jantan tu peh muke siak! Naseb baik kawan aku tak pregnant ke ape.. Geram!! But the thing is, XX tu pun bengap. Takkan kawan2 XY nak gi report kat XX kalau XY main pompan lain. Buat kelakar pe. Lelaki...standard ah. Tolong cover each other.
So anyway, they are still together now. XX still doesn't know what her "beloved" boyfriend does behind her back. And what I did with XY, I guess that would remain as a secret. Even if I would want to come clean with her, tell her what I had done with her boyfriend, I'm sure I would lose her as a friend.. or... she might not even believe my story.
Okay.. That's the end of my story. Sorry if it bores you to death but I hope you weren't bored reading this.
Bottom line: Don't ever trust guys!!Lots of love,
Oppss, Immigration Clearance

Hello lovely readers of
www.TypicalMATsays.blogspot.comFor day, i will not post anything with regards to the relationship problem. Today i wanna set the storyline straight.
TypicalMATsays is a blog or a reflection point on relationship. What relationship? Our Malay teens and not so teens relationship (
heh). This blog have all aspect of maturity, stupidity and all the
-idty that can be related to anyone of you.
Specific readers?
NONE. This blog isn't being design only for those 'typical mats and minahs' which is like commonly not being like by many. No, this blog is open for all. This blog serves even the 'normal' ladies/guys/girls/boys out there. If you have a relationship problem and need to laugh it out, this
might be your best medicine.
Just because this blog carries the name of
TYPICALMATS that doesnt means that i am referring to those mats whom people regards them as mat-rep. No.
Mat in this blog term is your guy, your boyfriend, your baby, your love and the list goes on. ( i seriously dnt know what names you call your bf) so to make it simple, i use the word MAT to make everyone who is reading this blog understand the whole concept.I once again hope everyone here understand where i am coming from. Its a blog for everyone who feels like reading it. It's a free world right?
like i say this blog serve for one purpose:
a reflection point for relationship problems.
Btw, thank you to those who are willing enough to
share your stories with
Certain stories will be featured in this blog as
You... Sangkut.

"Alamak, nairi dah 23rd. Asal eh uzur aku ni tk datang-datang. Ni perut pon tkder cramp, my breast pon tak keras, eh kenapa eh. Takkan aku pregnant kan? But hari tuh aku cuci pe lepas main. Alaaaaah. Macam mane nie? Tkpe-tkper, wallet aku maseh ader duit, boleh go Guardian or Watson and buy pregnancy kit. Uh, Lantak urh, nie important siak.. Lao aku sangkut mcm mane!" - You talking to yourself.
Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!
Oi Senah hot sungguh topic nairi eh. hehe. Okay this situation might seems very drastic for some of you but trust me, for the minority who had went through this before. It is really a black mark in their life.
After checking your urine with the pregnancy kit, you know for yourself that you're pregnant. Lucky thing is that you are above 18 years old. You called your Mat crying and crying tell him to meet you now, immediately.
"You kenape nie?" - Your Mat
"You tengok ni, ape i nak buat nie you. Mampos lau my parents tao." - you.
"Huh?! Sangkut! Dah brape bulan?" - Your Mat
"Mane i tao! 1 mth plus ker. How i know. Now the main thing here is.. Ape kite nak buat?!" - you.
Hmm.. This is the most common question that couples asked each other when this situation happens to them. Some might choose to terminate the pregnancy while some choose to keep the baby and be a responsible parents.
The minimum age for you to go for termination of pregnancy is 16 years old provided that you have parental concern. If you are 18 years old, you are able to go through the termination of pregnancy without parental concern.
But what if your Mat doesn't want to take responsibility over the baby? What if he doubt that the baby is his. What would you do? What would you tell your Mat and convience him that it is his?
Termination of pregnancy isn't always the right thing and jgn cakap lah part agama over here, aku tak pious urh nak bebual pasal tuh. It will cost you a bomb. And your Mat doesn't want to contribute any money because he doesnt know whether it is his or not (bodoh eh nie Mat, tao main.. dah sangkut tak ingat yang sikit ari aru je main dengan mataer sendiri.)
TypicalMATsays thinks that you have all rights over your body. You are the one who take cares of yourself. If your Mat doesn't wanna take responsibility, you have to either tell your parents and work things out.
And like i say, if the Mat doesnt wanna be responsible.. Put a stop to everything. Senang cakap, break je lah eh. No point. This kind of Mat is the sakit adik carik you all. So leave it eh.
pandai-pandai lah korang pikir. HEH (:
B, loose weight lah!

Okay today TypicalMATsays is going to share with all you lovely readers on something that is very senstive.
Okay sape sini rase yang korang gemok and your Mat would prefer you be a size or two smaller.
Hehe, stop smilling.. i know how it feels.
Truely, when i was schooling back then, during the ITE days, i had this girlfriend of mine who sanggup loose her weight just for the Mat. Hmm, i know it is stirring different thoughts inside of you.
Okay, the Mat is a very active guy in sports. He play sports and all. on the other note: i don't like this girlfriend of mine being with this Mat. Tak sebulu aku.
It was during the fasting month where I think its already too much. The whole class(malay) went out for a break-fasting session over at ZamZam when my girlfriend and this Mat order a Medium size murtabak. Okay as all of you know, Murtabak is being cut into smaller pieces when they are being served right?
Something really irritate the hell of out me is that, this Mat gave my girlfriend only two pieces of the small murtabak and the rest he ate it. So my itchy mouth cannot resist and asked him
"Kau makan byk abeh pompuan kau makan sikit nak mampos!"- me
"Biarlah, die kena diet lah. Nak loose weight mane leh makan byk."- Mat
"Dah giler eh? De puase tao. Kau tao lapar abeh de tk tao urh?"- me
"De yg mintak sikit per, kau asal"-Mat
After finish eating...
"You, i nak pegi solat at masjid sultan. Panas urh kat sini"- Mat (talking to the girlfriend but the eyes was looking at me.)
"Pegilah.. I wait for you kat sini" - Mat's girlfriend
"Pegilah, mmg panas pon kau kat sini. Tonggang terbalik kat sejadah pon tk guna tao lau maseh tunggang terbalek kat atas katil! Buang mase je kau solat step baik. Nak buat amal? Nie kasi kawan aku makan mcm biase, tuh baru dapat pahala." - Me. (laser mulut i)
the Mat looked at me and walked away. Abeh asal? Salah per i ckp NO right? I mean i was talking fact it's just the Mat who cannot accept it.
And this girlfriend of mine pon sanggup mati-mati nak loose weight pasal the Mat wants her to do so.
Imagine lah eh, this Mat bought for my girlfriend this stupid milkshake where it is a subtitute to food. No rice just that stupid milkshake. Naik darah aku cite kan korang.
This Mat really pushes my girlfriend to an extend where she doesn't want to hang out with us, wants to go exercise with him and please him is all she do.
and till today, this girlfriend of mine is still with his pathetic Mat.
PS: tak kurus-kurus pon. Jantan kau mmg tk guna urh, tak favourite aku!
Dear girlfriends out there who is reading TypicalMATsays, if a guy is telling you to lose weight, lose him.
Labels: fat, kurus tak agak-agak, loose weight, milkshake, slim
Ditch your Mat (date)

Have you ever plan to meet someone and end up leaving this pitiful Mat somewhere? Or the other way? I know, interesting topic to talk about eh?
It will just start off simple by meeting up and you feel that this Mat look terrible (muka pecah rumah!!) and the next thing you wanna do is to run away from that Mat.
Well, here are some reasons TypicalMatsays can offer you:
1) Tell the Mat that you need to go to the ladies
2) Give a face, as if you have something urgent to attend. Eg, family problems.
3) Before meeting him up-close, scan him from far, it will save a lot of trouble.
4) Give the wrong identity.
5) Simply said, “hey I nak jalan urh. Bye (: “
Hehe, TypicalMATsays is not teaching you to be bad, just something that I’ve discovered through these years in the dating field. Chey! Macam paham.
Well, it’s true that people say we shouldn’t judge someone through their looks and all. Please people don’t lie to me. Looks do play a huge role in the love life. Abeh lau muke pecah rumah, boleh ke you all ni semua nak kiss-kiss, hold hand at town. Malu kan?? Jgn bedek :P
Well, know I wanna tell you guys an experience that I’ve encountered a year back. It’s not me who ditched the Mat, It’s me who got ditched by the Mat. Kncb.
Well, I don’t really care because the Mat doesn’t look that good too. He fetched me at my area and we took the bus to town. So inside the bus we didn’t talk that much and both of us was listening to the earpiece. Half way through, I asked this asshole Mat “where do you want to alight?” and his reply was “Bus stop after Far East.”
So when the bus actually reaches to that stop, He told me that he wants take rokok from his friend and SAAAAAPPP. He’s gone. Aku si bodoh ni, tunggu about 20 minutes with the fact I know that I was being ditched.
Called my girlfriend, told them about what happen and ended up laughing about this matter. Actually, inside the bus I was already thinking of running away from him, sekali I yang kena. Hehehe. (OF COURSE I MET UP WITH MY GF, backup plan)
So now, anyone wants to ditch a date Mat, ditch as soon as possible. Don’t become like me. Anyway, it’s totally funny to think about it from time to time.
Now, if you've ditched a date Mat before or being ditched by your date Mat before, share your story with us (:
Labels: date, Ditch your date, Mat, MRT, tinggalkan, Toilet
New layout.
Hey darlings,
TypicalMATsays made improvement on this blog already. Constructive comments from you readers made me change the outlook and make it look fresh. I've already put a comment section where all of you blogger can share your thoughts on a particular entry.
Shoutbox isn't being removed for the comfort of other blogreaders who doesnt have a blogger account. How nice am i? hehe.
You i nak kluar tao...
You are watching television at home, slurping on your hot milo. Suddenly your handphone beep.
Message from your Mat.
"Bby, I nak kluar ngan my friend." - Mat"Oh, ngan sape? Nak ikot. I mendak urh." - You"Ngan kawan i, alaaahh you tk kenal urh, later you lagi boring." - Mat"Hmm.. Yerlah, have fun" - you (half dissapointed)and you waited for hours and hours for your Mat msg, but haram.
Suddenly your phone beep again, but it isn't your Mat but your dearest gf.
"Oi, Kau kat mane?!"- your gf.You are halfway tryna' reply her msg, when she called your hp with a very
kanchiong voice.
"Kau kat mane?!" - your gf."Kat umah lah, mendak siol." - you"Girl, aku dah something nak bilang kau nie." - your gf"Apehal? Urgent sgt per kau sampai tk leh sabar-sabar tunggu ku reply." - you."Eh, aku nampak laki kau uh." - your gf"Oh, kat mane?"- you"Kat town, tapi laki kau ngan pompuan ngah hold hand (oh-oh)" - your gf"Oh, de nampak kau?" - you (trying to control anger and tears)"Nampak tapi step tk nampak seh. Oi, kau okay tk?!"- your gf"Nanti aku call kau balek" - youYou hang up the phone, What would you do next?!
You called your Mat thousands of time, your Mat ignore your calls.
SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Kick the pillows. Light a cigg and say "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" i mean it really helps at time, at least.Advice from TypicalMATsays: DUMP HIM BEFORE HE DUMPS YOU. hehe.
You don't need a Mat whom....
A great relationship is one where both partners are helping and supporting each other, sharing their lives together, bringing out the best in one another.
Too often women seem to take whomever is available rather than pondering what is going on in her life as a result of the relationship.
Mcm desperate gitu lah kan?When you just got to know a Mat, don't give your everything to him. Think properly, jgn nak maen accept je, nak mampos?
Some things that TypicalMATsays think that it will help you know if a Mat is not right for you:
You don't need a Mat who...
1. Makes you feel like a piece of garbage
2. Lies, deceives and manipulates you
3. Can't be faithful (byk pompuan laen in contact with)
4. Doesn't think you are amazing
5. Can't stop thinking about ex-gf .
6. Is rude, disrespectful, and mean
7. Requires you dismiss or ignore your personal standards, ethics, and sense of morality
8. Embarrasses and humiliates you
9. Uses you ( Important, lao ni Mat went out a few times with you abeh dah ajak balik umah uncle, Please eh girl, jgn jadi bodoh.)
10. Abuses you! (Dayussss/ no good)
Okaylah, TypicalMatsays know this list is nothing new. We all know this (like duuhhh!)but sometimes it is good to have a reminder so we can take a good honest look time and again.
It is great to find a fabulous Mat and to have a vibrant relationship; what is not so good is to be with a guy who treats your poorly and who diminishes and degrades you. Easy said: Carik Mat pakai mata korang bukan suka suka je. Mat yang tk guna, buang jauh-jauh. Jgn nak yang hensem je, tapi hati perut tkder. Amaciam?
No Mat is worth giving up your emotional, physical, or spiritual well being.
MAIN POINT OF THIS ENTRY? If you are in a relationship that you know is harming yourself, TypicalMATsays guess that it is time to get out and move on. It is not always a simple and easy task nevertheless, best to not give another day to a Mat who is hurting your life!
Labels: Desperate, Mat baek, Mat sengkek, Relationship, ten reason to get out of relationship