Do you know your MAT(s)
Saturday, January 30, 2010
  Mat i, very abusive.
Sent: 29 January 2010 05: 44AM

To all the ladies out there i just want to share with you guys something i learnt from my past experience. Once a guy hits u.. he will do it again.

So heres my story. 5 years ago i got to know this MAT from a friend. Well we hit it off alright. He seems a nice guy.After few months knowing each other kiter pon start dating. Baru2 everything was sweet. Honeymoon period lah katekan.

But after a few months kitorang matair he starts to become a control freak. I cant have friends. At that point of time im still schooling. Sampai kawan skola pon dia control. Tapi pasal bodoh and sayang nye pasal that time i chose to listen to him. So lepas 6 bulan kiter matair things start to turn sour. Hari2 gaduh. To the extend I cant stand it no more and i decide to end the relationship.

So i called him and wants to end this..dengan cepat he drove to my house with his company vehicle so called to settle stuff. Thats when he start to lay hands on cut it short things settled and we didnt break up cos he threatened to kill me. Haiya susah betul.. i was scared so ikutkan jer and he promised to to lay hands animore.

After 2 weeks the extreme abuse happened. I received smses from my male classmate asking about school stuff and he start to went berserk. We were sitting in his vehicle and he start shouting at me accusing im having an affair. Mcm tak masok akal. He drove to a secluded place. Da start takot part ni conferm kene pukul lagi. and betul2 kener mcm stengah mati. He kept banging my head on his door window.

Punching me slapping me..oh my goodness at that time mcm ingat nak mati gituk. For half an hour he tortured me sampai dia penat. Biler dia da penat tu.. i opened the door and start shouting cam orang giler. Nasib ade orang. Tapi this MAT quickly kluar and put me inside his vehicle back and drove off while this passerby kept shouting what are u doing. Da sampai kat satu tempat ni dia da stress giler takot ni passerby tepon police.

A few mins later boss dia call cakap kenaper police call company dorang. Since dia kai company vehicle so plate number was tracked down to the company. And the boss cakap he gave this MAT hp no.. to the police so the boss ask him to talk to the police. So the police called..ask for particulars and my particulars.. police tanye what happened.. dia pon peng citer cakap im his niece and i ran away from home so he saw me and drag me home tapi passerby tu ingat he want to rape me..something like that. The police said ok.. and i guess they call my house bcos i gave them my home number together with my particulars. So they verify things with my mum so obviously my mum said tak betul lah.

So police called the MAT again and ask dia kat mane bcos dorang nak jumpe just to do a routine check. but they didnt tell they already called my house to verify. So ni MAT start to coax me..sikatkan rambut..tarokkan ubat kat tempat luker2.. mcm sial! and pujuk not to tell them anything. But when the cops arrived i start to pour everything cam volcano semua keluar. So they ask me nak press charges ke tak i said no..i just want him not to be near me anymore bla bla bla..then my mum picked me up and we went home.

Lepas tu ni MAT start to stalk me.. hari2 kat bawah blok..i tried to avoid him as much as possible..tapi satu hari tu dia stalk sampai ke Orchard..and i saw him.. i was so frustrated i approach him saying why hes doing this..and he starts to call me slut infront of the crowd.. I gave him 2 slaps...dia nak pukul balik tapi dia pikir dua kali agaknyer pasal ramai orang. So after that..i didnt saw him ever again sampai nari.

Sorry citer panjang sangat.. kalau nak bilang in details lagi.. 5 page pon tak cukup. Hehe. I hope whoever in this situation..try to get out of it as soon as possible unless u all raser MAT tu boleh berubah.

So, that was the horrible experience on of our girlfriend actually encountered. Gosh, i cannot imagine how strong are you. Able to resist that 30mins of abuse, i think that i waaaaaaaaay to strong.
Hats off you gal!

& for the rest of you, keep the story coming.  Why? Coz everyone is at advantange (: (except the horrible mats) That if  you guys wanna keep typicalMATsays alive. heh, i know you will.


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