Mat Khawin-Khawin
Easy said than done i suppose. TypicalMATsays today wanna talk about something more interesting, alaaaah pasal mat khawin-khawin.
Time sekarang ni kan, most of the Mats here living in Singapore have a mindset of having a stable job then they wanna start to settle down. So most of them will settle down by the age of 25 and above, at least.
What if you are with this Mat and he is already having the mindset of wanting to settle down, do you wanna turn him down and leave him. OR choose to marry this Mat khawin-khawin.
I know its very weird to see Mat Khawin-khawin coz usually it is the ladies who will pester (actually no lah, parents the ladies side) them to settle down as early as possible. Now what will you do if the situation is turn upside down??
"You kite settle down nak? - Mat.
"Eh, siang nyer? Tk nak lah.. nak buat ape?" -you.
"Alaaaah, my parents suruh i settle down cepat lah. Tkde pon we tunang dulu"- Mat
"erk, kasi i think dulu"-you.
So today, TypicalMATsays will give you some tips on Mat Khawin-Khawin.
1) Decide if you love him or the idea of marriage. Most of us ni kan gatal, time kecik kecik dah imagine mcm mane nanti you nak look like when you khawin. so...If the wedding details excite you more than spending the rest of your life with your Mat, you are not ready to get married.
2) Look at how Mat treats you in front of your family and friends.
3) Look at how he treats you in front of your family and friends. Compare that with how he treats you in front of his family and friends. If there is a difference between how he treats you when he wants to impress than how he treats you when he is comfortable, realize that this is a warning sign.
4) The main important thing is that your Mat isn't
kaki pukol. If he is, then don't bother to marry your Mat. Eventhough he insist of being the Mat khawin-khawin with you.
5) Ask your Mat if he needs a family?. Discuss the roles that each of you will play in raising the children.
Step larh pikir jauh, nie will help you decide something about your Mat. Lau he is career minded and you are not, dont khawin with this Mat, you will not feel happy.
Hope this will help for those who wanna get married in anytime from now. This will help you run away from those desperate Mat khawin-khawin.
Alaaaaaaaaaaaaah emak, khawin kan aku. Labels: alaaaah emak, habis duit, khawin. kahwin, sanding, sunday bawah blok
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