Oppss, Immigration Clearance

Hello lovely readers of
www.TypicalMATsays.blogspot.comFor day, i will not post anything with regards to the relationship problem. Today i wanna set the storyline straight.
TypicalMATsays is a blog or a reflection point on relationship. What relationship? Our Malay teens and not so teens relationship (
heh). This blog have all aspect of maturity, stupidity and all the
-idty that can be related to anyone of you.
Specific readers?
NONE. This blog isn't being design only for those 'typical mats and minahs' which is like commonly not being like by many. No, this blog is open for all. This blog serves even the 'normal' ladies/guys/girls/boys out there. If you have a relationship problem and need to laugh it out, this
might be your best medicine.
Just because this blog carries the name of
TYPICALMATS that doesnt means that i am referring to those mats whom people regards them as mat-rep. No.
Mat in this blog term is your guy, your boyfriend, your baby, your love and the list goes on. ( i seriously dnt know what names you call your bf) so to make it simple, i use the word MAT to make everyone who is reading this blog understand the whole concept.I once again hope everyone here understand where i am coming from. Its a blog for everyone who feels like reading it. It's a free world right?
like i say this blog serve for one purpose:
a reflection point for relationship problems.
Btw, thank you to those who are willing enough to
share your stories with http://www.typicalmatsays.blogspot.com/.
Certain stories will be featured in this blog as
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