You... Sangkut.

"Alamak, nairi dah 23rd. Asal eh uzur aku ni tk datang-datang. Ni perut pon tkder cramp, my breast pon tak keras, eh kenapa eh. Takkan aku pregnant kan? But hari tuh aku cuci pe lepas main. Alaaaaah. Macam mane nie? Tkpe-tkper, wallet aku maseh ader duit, boleh go Guardian or Watson and buy pregnancy kit. Uh, Lantak urh, nie important siak.. Lao aku sangkut mcm mane!" - You talking to yourself.
Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!
Oi Senah hot sungguh topic nairi eh. hehe. Okay this situation might seems very drastic for some of you but trust me, for the minority who had went through this before. It is really a black mark in their life.
After checking your urine with the pregnancy kit, you know for yourself that you're pregnant. Lucky thing is that you are above 18 years old. You called your Mat crying and crying tell him to meet you now, immediately.
"You kenape nie?" - Your Mat
"You tengok ni, ape i nak buat nie you. Mampos lau my parents tao." - you.
"Huh?! Sangkut! Dah brape bulan?" - Your Mat
"Mane i tao! 1 mth plus ker. How i know. Now the main thing here is.. Ape kite nak buat?!" - you.
Hmm.. This is the most common question that couples asked each other when this situation happens to them. Some might choose to terminate the pregnancy while some choose to keep the baby and be a responsible parents.
The minimum age for you to go for termination of pregnancy is 16 years old provided that you have parental concern. If you are 18 years old, you are able to go through the termination of pregnancy without parental concern.
But what if your Mat doesn't want to take responsibility over the baby? What if he doubt that the baby is his. What would you do? What would you tell your Mat and convience him that it is his?
Termination of pregnancy isn't always the right thing and jgn cakap lah part agama over here, aku tak pious urh nak bebual pasal tuh. It will cost you a bomb. And your Mat doesn't want to contribute any money because he doesnt know whether it is his or not (bodoh eh nie Mat, tao main.. dah sangkut tak ingat yang sikit ari aru je main dengan mataer sendiri.)
TypicalMATsays thinks that you have all rights over your body. You are the one who take cares of yourself. If your Mat doesn't wanna take responsibility, you have to either tell your parents and work things out.
And like i say, if the Mat doesnt wanna be responsible.. Put a stop to everything. Senang cakap, break je lah eh. No point. This kind of Mat is the sakit adik carik you all. So leave it eh.
pandai-pandai lah korang pikir. HEH (:
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