Ditch your Mat (date)

Have you ever plan to meet someone and end up leaving this pitiful Mat somewhere? Or the other way? I know, interesting topic to talk about eh?
It will just start off simple by meeting up and you feel that this Mat look terrible (muka pecah rumah!!) and the next thing you wanna do is to run away from that Mat.
Well, here are some reasons TypicalMatsays can offer you:
1) Tell the Mat that you need to go to the ladies
2) Give a face, as if you have something urgent to attend. Eg, family problems.
3) Before meeting him up-close, scan him from far, it will save a lot of trouble.
4) Give the wrong identity.
5) Simply said, “hey I nak jalan urh. Bye (: “
Hehe, TypicalMATsays is not teaching you to be bad, just something that I’ve discovered through these years in the dating field. Chey! Macam paham.
Well, it’s true that people say we shouldn’t judge someone through their looks and all. Please people don’t lie to me. Looks do play a huge role in the love life. Abeh lau muke pecah rumah, boleh ke you all ni semua nak kiss-kiss, hold hand at town. Malu kan?? Jgn bedek :P
Well, know I wanna tell you guys an experience that I’ve encountered a year back. It’s not me who ditched the Mat, It’s me who got ditched by the Mat. Kncb.
Well, I don’t really care because the Mat doesn’t look that good too. He fetched me at my area and we took the bus to town. So inside the bus we didn’t talk that much and both of us was listening to the earpiece. Half way through, I asked this asshole Mat “where do you want to alight?” and his reply was “Bus stop after Far East.”
So when the bus actually reaches to that stop, He told me that he wants take rokok from his friend and SAAAAAPPP. He’s gone. Aku si bodoh ni, tunggu about 20 minutes with the fact I know that I was being ditched.
Called my girlfriend, told them about what happen and ended up laughing about this matter. Actually, inside the bus I was already thinking of running away from him, sekali I yang kena. Hehehe. (OF COURSE I MET UP WITH MY GF, backup plan)
So now, anyone wants to ditch a date Mat, ditch as soon as possible. Don’t become like me. Anyway, it’s totally funny to think about it from time to time.
Now, if you've ditched a date Mat before or being ditched by your date Mat before, share your story with us (:
Labels: date, Ditch your date, Mat, MRT, tinggalkan, Toilet
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