When you just got to know a Mat, don't give your everything to him. Think properly, jgn nak maen accept je, nak mampos?
Some things that TypicalMATsays think that it will help you know if a Mat is not right for you:
You don't need a Mat who...
1. Makes you feel like a piece of garbage
2. Lies, deceives and manipulates you
3. Can't be faithful (byk pompuan laen in contact with)
4. Doesn't think you are amazing
5. Can't stop thinking about ex-gf .
6. Is rude, disrespectful, and mean
7. Requires you dismiss or ignore your personal standards, ethics, and sense of morality
8. Embarrasses and humiliates you
9. Uses you ( Important, lao ni Mat went out a few times with you abeh dah ajak balik umah uncle, Please eh girl, jgn jadi bodoh.)
10. Abuses you! (Dayussss/ no good)
Okaylah, TypicalMatsays know this list is nothing new. We all know this (like duuhhh!)but sometimes it is good to have a reminder so we can take a good honest look time and again.
It is great to find a fabulous Mat and to have a vibrant relationship; what is not so good is to be with a guy who treats your poorly and who diminishes and degrades you. Easy said: Carik Mat pakai mata korang bukan suka suka je. Mat yang tk guna, buang jauh-jauh. Jgn nak yang hensem je, tapi hati perut tkder. Amaciam?
No Mat is worth giving up your emotional, physical, or spiritual well being.
MAIN POINT OF THIS ENTRY? If you are in a relationship that you know is harming yourself, TypicalMATsays guess that it is time to get out and move on. It is not always a simple and easy task nevertheless, best to not give another day to a Mat who is hurting your life!
Labels: Desperate, Mat baek, Mat sengkek, Relationship, ten reason to get out of relationship
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