Do you know your MAT(s)
Monday, March 29, 2010
  Torn Between
From : ____________________
Sent  : 25 March 2010 01:48AM
To    :

As much as I've read , all about the bad side of guys .
Motors , irresponsibility , and the ability to take care of more than one lady at a time .
But it's not only guys who can be story told about .
I want to share about my experience , with my girlfriend and my ex-girlfriend .
Hopefully , it'll be something interesting to read . So here it goes .

I'll start with my ex-girlfriend (SB) .
I was just chilling with my members as per usual , when my friend asked me for my phone as he wanted to text this friend of his . Thought nothing about it , so I just handed it to him . Turns out that he was actually texting a girl . Since I was single and wasn't contacting anyone then , I asked him to ask that friend of his if she had any available friends . And that was when I got to know 'SB' .

We started texting since June 2008 . We were just normal friends , and gradually , the text messages reduced till we didn't contact at all , since she was dating another guy at that time . In August , I got attached for a week or two before being dumped for another guy . Then again in September , I got attached to another girl , who turned out to have more than one OTHER boyfriend . So since I had nobody else to text , I starting texting SB again .

Only in end-October , I met her for the first time . We managed to sit down and chat , and that was when my friends and I started to think that she had it all . She wasn't that bad , just average-looking . Since she wasn't seeing anyone . My friends told me to go for it , and I started going out with her . She was sweet , innocent , always good to me . She did show care for me , but a little too much . I thought that it couldn't be so bad , sadly it did .

We officially got attached in March 2009 after months of knowing her . That was when she started to change. She controlled me like we're already married . My friends said that it's just the starting of the relationship , so it's usual . She made me go home by 8 . She had to know how many sticks I smoked . Who I met , and Where I slacked that day.

It kept on getting worse . She encouraged (more of forced) me to quit smoking . She didn't let me to spend the night out with my friends . That was when I started to get sick of her . I tried to avoid her , but we managed to make it to 2nd month . Take note that by the time all the control kicked in , it was barely one month .
But one day , she went out with her friends , so I thought it'll be okay . The next day she left me because she said she couldn't stand with my stubborn attitude .
Turns out when she was out , a guy asked her for her number and they started contacting there and then .

But heck , that's the past . I leave it to fate to take control of what's going to happen to SB .

And about my current girlfriend (PG) .
There was history about me and her in the past .
So I'll start in August 2009 . We bumped into each other in the bus and we exchanged numbers , since both were single . Started texting , she seemed really nice . So we started slacking together , as she lived near where I slack and because we both just do that to kill time .
Eventually , we got together , 19August 2009 . It seemed fast , but she seemed right for me . However , things had been hard on me.
We often get into fights , mostly about the silliest and most redundant things . The only difference between me and her when we're fighting is , she shows her temper , but I don't . I always have been that way .
I rarely fight back , but unfortunately , when I do , it's much more worse than her , and ever since I did , I've been trying my best to hold it in .
When she's angry , I don't feel her there . It's as if it's someone else . Cursing me , hurling vulgarities at me . Often , it makes me want to give up . But I know that it's all about she's angry at that point of time .
But it has happened alot of times already .
My friends advise me to stay patient and focus on the love as it's the only thing that is anger-blind .
Yet it doesn't seem fair to me that I've to go through all this . Even her parents tell her to stop talking to me that way , but it doesn't work .

Moral of the story ; I don't have any . It's subjective . Up to you readers to decide what you've learnt from what's written .

Miss ENOT : Maybe you should sit down and talk/discuss about this to her. But miss ENOT pray hard that you and your current gf will be just fine. When you don't like the attitude/character of a person, maybe you should accost (in a good manner though), rather than keeping quiet. He/She will know nothing on how you felt. (:

Signing Off,
u all deep2

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