Do you know your MAT(s)
Monday, March 15, 2010
  Mat player ader difference ker?
Nie part ramai yang nak tau, confusing ker tak eh being together with this kind of species? hah! well, let me answer that question for all of you, memang susah giler nak mampos. Kenape? well, pasal they have a lot of tricks up their sleeves and of course not every single on of you know each and every single of them right?

Just open your eyes...You may already know the answer.

A trusting relationship between two people never makes one person feel insecure and on the outside.
A Mat that loves you unconditionally takes pleasure in showing you how he feels, because he receives the same from you.

The way your Mat looks at you, talks to you alone and around others, reveals how he truly feels.

Action does speak louder than words.
If he never brings you around his friends, family or job, you should ask him why.

 Some Mat don't want to reveal until they are sure that she is the one. However, there is nothing wrong with saying, this is my friend. Kawan, kadang-kadang tuh ader 'ouch' habis.

kalau Mat korang nie have a few of these characteristic, nie lah antara signal-signal yang paling obvious Mat korang tuh player or hot stuff habis (:

1. Mat is too busy or macam takda time nak chit chat.
Letak lah cerita yang he is currently serving his NS and he seems to be always busy at work. Okay kenapa NS? NS nie orang kate time and masa kegemilangan budak budak lelaki lah hor, so this is the time when most of them 'ulat bulu naik daun'. The normal reason that the Mat will give you is that 'you, i ader call' ; 'you, my encik ader' ; 'nanti call balik, i ngah buat petrolling'. etc. Memang boleh caye at times, but when this seems to be happen too often, aiyoh...

2. Alaah, tak important lah. Battery dah nak flat, tuh sebab kena silent.
Well babes, this tricks korang mesti pon dah pernah pakai kan? Macam kite jugak, they just wanna have fun. Macam thrilling lah kan pasal they have more than two girls at one go. Macam mane tak nak kena caught, make sure hp silent, so when his phone vibrates pon, you won't be able to hear. i guess most of us tried this trick before, coz i did for sure *giggles*

3. Suddenly has lots of friends in need of his help.
"alamak you, my abang sedara suruh tolong angkat barang urh!" - "Mak i suruh hantar de pi keje, i tk leh amek you" - "My sis mintak tolong urh you, teman de pi town." etc. The reason will continue without an actual fullstop. Sendiri mau pikir lah.

4. If you question his where about he turns the tables on you.
Nie part byk mat yang pernah nak date i, pernah try their luck by doing this trick. They will ask you the same exact question when you ask about their whereabouts and with who they are out with.  Urrgghh!

5. Lies!!!! Forgets the lies eventually and tells you that you must not remember what de cakap
Yang korang mcm gundu kan, pergilah dengar semua alphabet and 123 stories the Mat nak bilang. Skalii time tgh bebual kan, si Mat player ni lupe de peh storyline. Abeh kite nie, mcm bodoh, dgr jer without any hesistation in the story.

some other traits of a Mat player:

peluk cium peluk cium

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