Do you know your MAT(s)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
  Ketat je aku nak..
Urgh! This is something we found too common in the society these days. Mat like this should actually be tied up by a banshee and god knows what happen next.

this was something typicalMATsays found out not so long ago. From research that i've done, typically most of the youngsters these days loose their virginity at a very young age. The issue isn't about lossing virginity people, it's about some or (lot) of these rascals who wants the virgin girls.

Fair ker?!? First thing these Mat(s) who wants to have sex with a virgin girl is not even a virgin. So what if you have the freaking experience on all the karmasutra and going to rumah uncle at Geylang.

Why don't these Mat(s) take some time and reflect is it fair for the virgin girl. Sad to say, most of them are one night stand. Kesian eh? One night, dah tak virgin.. game over semua jantan tak nak.

"Aku so far lom dapat yang V urh geng" - Mat
"Serious per kao?! Siol aje." - Mat's friend
"Urh lah, Aku nak sak rase yang ketat nye, naik sakit aku fikir" - Mat
"Eh aku ader member pompuan ni urh, baek siol tapi ade alim sikit urh" - Mat's friend
"Alim apehal aku nak siol!"- Mat
"Jgn jadi bodoh, Kau bwk de kluar.. Ajak minum ke ape.. Dah mabok, beh tk tao.. Umah uncle urh!" -Mat's friend.
"Eh! baek peh! Number tolak urh!" - Mat.

you see how these MAT ruin your life? Im not saying im pious. Not an inch. Just a word of advice to girls out there who are still in secondary school, treasure those moments dear. Because once its broken, there is not turning back. You don't hand over your body to Mat(s) whom are very irresponsible and knows nothing.

Maybe its time that all of us reflect this matter together, As a team.


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