How to tell your Mat is controlling you?

There is only one way to let a Mat know he doesn't control you.
Advice from TypicalMATsays: You SHOW your Mat.
Talking, crying, writing, pouting, yelling, screaming, do not work.
The only way to not be controlled to is take control! As soon as you stand up for yourself and don't give your power away, your Mat will get the message.
The question I have though, is why do you want your Mat who has issues with control? Mat with power and control issues are not great in personality, at least for me.
Women like you, you and you tend to forgive, to make things work, to want to please. These are great traits in some circumstances. They are not great qualities if it means you are feeling controlled by your Mat. No no, it means danger. You can wait and see till one fine day your girlfriends will start calling you 'Dahi ader cap'.
Every single on of you deserve a healthy relationship filled with respect, equality, support, and love. You are not a child or servant.
Never let a Mat like these control you and overthrow you.
Labels: angry, boyfriend, control freak, escape, Mat
Mat playing timmer
From experience encounters, TypicalMATsays have found out a trend nowadays. Two-timing the girls. Common, well very much. We (ladies) can do something to avoid being two-timed. Basically, all you need to do is to open your eyes widely, use all your 5 senses!
What are your 5 senses? Your sight, your taste, your touch, your hearing & most importantly your heart. These are the key things to catch your cheating Mat(s).
Your sight will tell you that you seldom meet your Mat anymore, unlike usual. If you are lucky enough, you might just bump into your Mat at town perhaps? One thing for sure is that, you can always check your Mat handphone and if he doesn’t let you do so or grab it immediately away from you, Yes baby, you can suspect that your Mat is cheating on you in a way or another.
“Bby, Tengok handphone you leh?” – You.
“Nak uat ape?” – Mat.
“Saje, Meh sini. I nak tgk jap je lah.” – you.
“Jgn nak check-check lah!” – Mat.
Ehk? Why eh. You can question not to him but to yourself.
Your taste will tell you if the goodbye kiss between you and your Mat is empty or full with love, Dry or wet. You decide, I’m not the one kissing your Mat. The only way to answer this question is to be truthful with whatever your body feels.
“Okay, you balik naik motor baek-baek okay?” – You
“Erm” – Mat
“Ingat eh, no speeding on the road, bawak motor baek-baek. Sampai rumah call i ok syg?” – you
“Yerlah” – Mat (putting on his helmet, half lazy to entertain your question)
“I nye kiss mane?” – you
Giving you a dry and reluctant kiss. Step backwards and just look at him. Don’t comment anything. This will help.Your touch will tell you that your Mat doesn’t want to hold your hands anymore. That sense will also tell you that your Mat is getting abit rough and grouchy with you. That’s when the dilemma will play in. Be strong darling, it’s not time to break down yet.
Your hearing, Listen to your Mat tone of voice. Listen to your Mat words of encouragement. Ask yourself how often he tells you that you are pretty while looking straight into your eyes. Hear your Mat telling his friend that you are his girlfriend, making everything official. If you don’t see any of this point, you can start wondering what is the main problem in your relationship with your Mat.
Most importantly,
YOUR HEART. It’s the key to every single secret god every create for you and only you.
XOXOLabels: catch, cheated, girlfriend, Mat, timmer